"use client"; import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback, useMemo, } from "react"; import "react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css"; // 导入Quill的snow主题样式 import { useLocalStorage } from "react-use"; import Link from "next/link"; import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; // 一些工具函数导入 import getArxivPapers from "./GetArxiv"; import getSemanticPapers from "./GetSemantic"; import { fetchPubMedData } from "./GetPubMed "; import { getAI, sendMessageToOpenAI } from "./chatAI"; import { getTextBeforeCursor, convertToSuperscript, removeSpecialCharacters, formatTextInEditor, getNumberBeforeCursor, formatJournalReference, } from "@/utils/others/quillutils"; import { evaluateTopicMatch } from "@/utils/others/aiutils"; //组件 import ExportDocx from "./Export"; import ReferenceList from "./ReferenceList"; import ProgressDisplay from "./ProgressBar"; //redux import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from "@/app/store"; import { addReferencesRedux, setEditorContent, } from "@/app/store/slices/authSlice"; import { setContentUpdatedFromNetwork } from "@/app/store/slices/stateSlice"; //类型声明 import { Reference } from "@/utils/global"; //supabase import { createClient } from "@/utils/supabase/client"; import { getUserPapers, getUser, submitPaper, } from "@/utils/supabase/supabaseutils"; //debounce import { debounce } from "lodash"; //i18n import { useTranslation } from "@/app/i18n/client"; const toolbarOptions = [ ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"], // 加粗、斜体、下划线和删除线 ["blockquote", "code-block"], // 引用和代码块 [{ header: 1 }, { header: 2 }], // 标题 [{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }], // 列表 [{ script: "sub" }, { script: "super" }], // 上标/下标 [{ indent: "-1" }, { indent: "+1" }], // 缩进 [{ direction: "rtl" }], // 文字方向 [{ size: ["small", false, "large", "huge"] }], // 字体大小 [{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], [{ color: [] }, { background: [] }], // 字体颜色和背景色 [{ font: [] }], // 字体 [{ align: [] }], // 对齐方式 ["clean"], // 清除格式按钮 ]; const QEditor = ({ lng }) => { //quill初始化 const ReactQuill = useMemo( () => dynamic(() => import("react-quill"), { ssr: false }), [] ); //i18n const { t } = useTranslation(lng); //读取redux中的API key const apiKey = useAppSelector((state: any) => state.auth.apiKey); const upsreamUrl = useAppSelector((state: any) => state.auth.upsreamUrl); const isJumpToReference = useAppSelector( (state) => state.state.isJumpToReference ); const isEvaluateTopicMatch = useAppSelector( (state) => state.state.isEvaluateTopicMatch ); const [quill, setQuill] = useState(null); const contentUpdatedFromNetwork = useAppSelector( (state) => state.state.contentUpdatedFromNetwork ); //vip状态 const isVip = useAppSelector((state) => state.state.isVip); //询问ai,用户输入 const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState(""); //quill编辑器鼠标位置 const [cursorPosition, setCursorPosition] = useLocalStorage( "光标位置", null ); // // 初始化 Quill 编辑器 const isMounted = useRef(false); const editor = useRef(null); // 选择论文来源 const [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = useLocalStorage( "学术引擎", "semanticScholar" ); // 默认选项 //选择语言模型 const [selectedModel, setSelectedModel] = useLocalStorage( "gpt语言模型", "gpt-4" ); // 默认选项 const [generatedPaperNumber, setGeneratedPaperNumber] = useLocalStorage( "生成次数", 1 ); // 初始值设为1 const [generateNumber, setGenerateNumber] = useState(0); //当前任务的进行数 const [openProgressBar, setOpenProgressBar] = useState(false); //redux const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const references = useAppSelector((state) => state.auth.referencesRedux); const editorContent = useAppSelector((state) => state.auth.editorContent); // 从 Redux store 中获取编辑器内容 const systemPrompt = useAppSelector((state) => state.auth.systemPrompt); const paperNumberRedux = useAppSelector( (state) => state.state.paperNumberRedux ); //quill配置 const modules = { toolbar: toolbarOptions, history: { delay: 2000, maxStack: 500, // 调整撤销和重做堆栈的大小 userOnly: false, }, }; // 监听selection-change事件 const handleSelectionChange = useCallback( (range: any) => { if (range) { // 如果有选区或光标位置变化,则更新光标位置 setCursorPosition(range.index); } else { // 没有选区或光标不在编辑器内 console.log("No selection or cursor in the editor."); } }, [setCursorPosition] ); // 把setCursorPosition添加到依赖数组中 //supabase const supabase = createClient(); useEffect(() => { if (!isMounted.current) { if (editorContent) { editor.current.getEditor().root.innerHTML = editorContent; } isMounted.current = true; setQuill(editor.current.getEditor()); // 添加点击事件监听器 const handleEditorClick = (e) => { if (isJumpToReference) { const range = quill!.getSelection(); if (range && range.length === 0 && quill) { const [leaf, offset] = quill.getLeaf(range.index); if (leaf.text) { const textWithoutSpaces = leaf.text.replace(/\s+/g, ""); // 去掉所有空格 if (/^\[\d+\]$/.test(textWithoutSpaces)) { console.log("点击了引用", textWithoutSpaces); try { document.getElementById(textWithoutSpaces)!.scrollIntoView(); } catch (e) { console.log("没有找到对应的引用"); } } } } else { console.log("No editor in click."); } } }; editor.current ?.getEditor() .root.addEventListener("click", handleEditorClick); // 清理函数 // return () => { // editor.current!.root.removeEventListener("click", handleEditorClick); // }; } }, []); // 监听editorContent变化(redux的变量),并使用Quill API更新内容 useEffect(() => { if (quill) { if (editorContent) { if (contentUpdatedFromNetwork) { // 清空当前内容 quill.setContents([]); // 插入新内容 quill.clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(editorContent); // 重置标志 dispatch(setContentUpdatedFromNetwork(false)); } else { console.log("No content updated from network in useEffect."); } } else { console.log("No editorContent to update in useEffect."); } } else { console.log("No quill to update in useEffect."); } }, [editorContent, contentUpdatedFromNetwork]); const handleTextChange = debounce(async function (delta, oldDelta, source) { if (source === "user") { // 获取编辑器内容 const content = quill!.root.innerHTML; // 或 quill.getText(),或 quill.getContents() dispatch(setEditorContent(content)); // 更新 Redux store //在云端同步supabase // console.log("paperNumberRedux in quill", paperNumberRedux); if (isVip) { const data = await submitPaper( supabase, content, undefined, paperNumberRedux ); } setTimeout(() => { convertToSuperscript(quill!); }, 0); // 延迟 0 毫秒,即将函数放入事件队列的下一个循环中执行,不然就会因为在改变文字触发整个函数时修改文本内容造成无法找到光标位置 } }, 1000); // 这里的 1000 是防抖延迟时间,单位为毫秒 useEffect(() => { if (quill) { // 设置监听器以处理内容变化 quill.on("text-change", handleTextChange); // 清理函数 return () => { quill.off("text-change", handleTextChange); }; } }, [quill, dispatch, paperNumberRedux]); // 处理用户输入变化 const handleInputChange = (event: any) => { setUserInput(event.target.value); }; // 处理输入generatedPaperNumber变化的函数 const handleGeneratedPaperNumberChange = (event: any) => { const newValue = parseInt(event.target.value, 10); setGeneratedPaperNumber(newValue); }; // 处理AI写作 const handleAIWrite = async () => { quill!.setSelection(cursorPosition!, 0); // 将光标移动到原来的位置 const prompt = "请帮助用户完成论文写作,使用用户所说的语言完成"; await sendMessageToOpenAI( userInput, quill!, selectedModel!, apiKey, upsreamUrl, prompt, cursorPosition! ); // 清空input内容 setUserInput(""); // 重新获取更新后的内容并更新 Redux store const updatedContent = quill!.root.innerHTML; dispatch(setEditorContent(updatedContent)); }; // 处理paper2AI async function paper2AI(topic: string) { quill!.setSelection(cursorPosition!, 0); // 将光标移动到原来的位置 let offset = -1; if (generatedPaperNumber != 1) offset = 0; //如果生成的数量不为1,则从0开始 setOpenProgressBar(true); //开启进度条 //如果说要评估主题是否匹配的话,就要多获取一些文献 let limit = 2; if (isEvaluateTopicMatch) { limit = 4; } for (let i = 0; i < generatedPaperNumber!; i++) { try { if (!topic) { //使用ai提取当前要请求的论文主题 const prompt = "As a topic extraction assistant, you can help me extract the current discussion of the paper topic, I will enter the content of the paper, you extract the paper topic , no more than two, Hyphenated query terms yield no matches (replace it with space to find matches) return format is: topic1 topic2"; const userMessage = getTextBeforeCursor(quill!, 2000); topic = await getAI( userMessage, prompt, apiKey, upsreamUrl, selectedModel! ); console.log("topic in AI before removeSpecialCharacters", topic); topic = removeSpecialCharacters(topic); topic = topic.split(" ").slice(0, 2).join(" "); //如果超过十个字符就截断 if (topic.length > 10) { topic = topic.slice(0, 10); } } console.log("topic in AI", topic); let rawData, dataString, newReferences; if (selectedSource === "arxiv") { rawData = await getArxivPapers(topic, limit, offset); //判断返回的文献是否跟用户输入的主题相关 if (isEvaluateTopicMatch) { const { relevantPapers, nonRelevantPapers } = await evaluateTopicMatch( rawData, apiKey, upsreamUrl, selectedModel!, topic ); rawData = relevantPapers; } console.log("arxiv rawdata:", rawData); // 将 rawData 转换为引用数组 newReferences = rawData.map((entry: any) => ({ url: entry.id, title: entry.title, year: entry.published, author: entry.authors?.slice(0, 3).join(", "), })); dataString = rawData .map((entry: any) => { return `ID: ${entry.id}\nTime: ${entry.published}\nTitle: ${entry.title}\nSummary: ${entry.summary}\n\n`; }) .join(""); } else if (selectedSource === "semanticScholar") { rawData = await getSemanticPapers(topic, "2015-2023", offset, limit); //判断返回的文献是否跟用户输入的主题相关 if (isEvaluateTopicMatch) { const { relevantPapers, nonRelevantPapers } = await evaluateTopicMatch( rawData, apiKey, upsreamUrl, selectedModel!, topic ); rawData = relevantPapers; } // 将 rawData 转换为引用数组 newReferences = rawData.map((entry: any) => ({ url: entry.url, title: entry.title, year: entry.year, author: entry.authors?.slice(0, 3).join(", "), venue: entry.venue, journal: formatJournalReference(entry), })); dataString = rawData .map((entry: any) => { return `Time: ${entry.year}\nTitle: ${entry.title}\nSummary: ${entry.abstract}\n\n`; }) .join(""); } else if (selectedSource === "pubmed") { rawData = await fetchPubMedData(topic, 2020, offset, limit); if (!rawData) { throw new Error("未搜索到文献 from PubMed."); } //判断返回的文献是否跟用户输入的主题相关 if (isEvaluateTopicMatch) { const { relevantPapers, nonRelevantPapers } = await evaluateTopicMatch( rawData, apiKey, upsreamUrl, selectedModel!, topic ); rawData = relevantPapers; } newReferences = rawData.map((entry: any) => ({ id: entry.id, // 文章的 PubMed ID title: entry.title, // 文章的标题 abstract: entry.abstract, // 文章的摘要 author: entry.authors?.slice(0, 3).join(", "), // 文章的作者列表,假设为字符串数组 year: entry.year, // 文章的发表日期 journal: entry.journal, // 文章的发表杂志 url: entry.url, // 文章的 URL source: "PubMed", // 指示这些引用来自 PubMed })); // 打印 newReferences console.log(newReferences); dataString = rawData .map((entry: any) => { return `Time: ${entry.year}\nTitle: ${entry.title}\nSummary: ${entry.abstract}\n\n`; }) .join(""); } // 确保搜索到的论文不超过 3000 个字符 const trimmedMessage = dataString.length > 3000 ? dataString.slice(0, 3000) : dataString; //slate的方法 // const content = `需要完成的论文主题:${topic}, 搜索到的论文内容:${trimmedMessage},之前已经完成的内容上下文:${extractText( // editorValue // )}`; const content = `之前用户已经完成的内容上下文:${getTextBeforeCursor( quill!, 900 )},搜索到的论文内容:${trimmedMessage},需要完成的论文主题:${topic},请根据搜索到的论文内容完成用户的论文`; await sendMessageToOpenAI( content, quill!, selectedModel!, apiKey, upsreamUrl, systemPrompt, cursorPosition! ); setUserInput(""); // 重新获取更新后的内容并更新 Redux store const updatedContent = quill!.root.innerHTML; dispatch(setEditorContent(updatedContent)); //在对应的位置添加文献 const nearestNumber = getNumberBeforeCursor(quill!); dispatch( addReferencesRedux({ references: newReferences, position: nearestNumber, }) ); if (isVip) { //在云端同步supabase const data = await submitPaper( supabase, updatedContent, references, paperNumberRedux ); } //修改offset使得按照接下来的顺序进行获取文献 offset += 2; setGenerateNumber(i + 1); } catch (error) { // console.error("Error fetching data:", error); // 在处理错误后,再次抛出这个错误 throw new Error(`Paper2AI出现错误: ${error}`); } } setOpenProgressBar(false); setGenerateNumber(0); //总的已经生成的数量 } return (