#!/usr/bin/env bash #by spiritlhl #from https://github.com/spiritLHLS/one-click-installation-script #version: 2022.12.21 ver="2022.12.21" changeLog="一键安装jupyter环境" source ~/.bashrc red(){ echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$1$2\033[0m"; } green(){ echo -e "\033[32m\033[01m$1$2\033[0m"; } yellow(){ echo -e "\033[33m\033[01m$1$2\033[0m"; } reading(){ read -rp "$(green "$1")" "$2"; } clear echo "#######################################################################" echo "# ${YELLOW}一键安装jupyter环境${PLAIN} #" echo "# 版本:$ver #" echo "# 更新日志:$changeLog #" echo "# ${GREEN}作者${PLAIN}: spiritlhl #" echo "# ${GREEN}仓库${PLAIN}: https://github.com/spiritLHLS/one-click-installation-script #" echo "#######################################################################" echo "验证已支持的系统:" echo "Ubuntu 18/20/22 - 推荐,脚本自动挂起到后台" echo "Debian 9/10/11 - 还行,需要手动挂起到后台,详看脚本运行安装完毕的后续提示" echo "可能支持的系统:centos 7+,Fedora,Almalinux 8.5+" red "本脚本尝试使用Miniconda3安装虚拟环境jupyter-env再进行jupyter和jupyterlab的安装,如若安装机器不纯净勿要轻易使用本脚本!" yellow "执行脚本,之前有用本脚本安装过则直接打印设置的登陆信息,没安装过则进行安装再打印信息,如果已安装但未启动则自动启动后再打印信息" yellow "如果是初次安装无脑y无脑回车即可,按照提示进行操作即可,安装完毕将在后台常驻运行" install_jupyter() { rm -rf Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh* # Check if conda is already installed if ! command -v conda &> /dev/null; then # Install conda wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -u # added by Miniconda3 installer echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$HOME/miniconda3/condabin"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/share/jupyter"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc sleep 1 echo 'export PATH="/home/user/miniconda3/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc sleep 1 # Add the necessary paths to your search path export PATH="/home/user/miniconda3/bin:$PATH" green "请关闭本窗口开一个新窗口再执行本脚本,否则无法加载一些预设的环境变量" && exit 0 fi green "加载预设的conda环境变量成功,准备安装jupyter,无脑输入y和回车即可" # Create a new conda environment and install jupyter conda create -n jupyter-env python=3 sleep 5 source activate jupyter-env sleep 1 conda install jupyter jupyterlab # Add the following line to /etc/profile echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/.local/share/jupyter"' >> /etc/profile # Execute the configuration source /etc/profile # Set username and password for Jupyter Server # jupyter notebook --generate-config # cp ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py ~/.jupyter/jupyter_server_config.py jupyter server --generate-config # echo "c.ServerApp.password = 'spiritlhl'" >> ~/.jupyter/jupyter_server_config.py # echo "c.ServerApp.username = 'spiritlhl'" >> ~/.jupyter/jupyter_server_config.py # Open port 13692 in firewall if command -v ufw &> /dev/null; then sudo ufw allow 13692/tcp elif command -v firewall-cmd &> /dev/null; then sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=13692/tcp --permanent sudo firewall-cmd --reload fi # Get the current system name ubuntu_version=$(lsb_release -rs) # Check if the Ubuntu version is 18.04, 20.04, or 22.04 if [ "$ubuntu_version" == "18.04" ] || [ "$ubuntu_version" == "20.04" ] || [ "$ubuntu_version" == "22.04" ]; then # The system is Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, or 22.04 source activate jupyter-env sleep 1 rm -rf nohup.out # Start Jupyter Server with port 13692 and host green "后台执行的pid的进程ID和输出日志文件名字如下" nohup jupyter lab --port 13692 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root & green $! sleep 5 cat nohup.out else echo "你正在除了Ubuntu系统之外的系统执行,运行的最后几行可能有如下提示" yellow "nohup: failed to run command 'jupyter': No such file or directory" echo "非Ubuntu的系统你需要手动执行下面的命令" yellow "source activate jupyter-env" yellow "nohup jupyter lab --port 13692 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root" green "等待5秒后关闭本窗口,开新窗口执行下面的命令查看登陆信息" yellow "cat nohup.out" echo "非Ubuntu系统只有上面这样才能手动挂起jupyter后台执行" fi # Add the specified paths to the PATH variable paths="./miniconda3/envs/jupyter-env/etc/jupyter:./miniconda3/envs/jupyter-env/bin/jupyter:./miniconda3/envs/jupyter-env/share/jupyter" export PATH="$paths:$PATH" # Remove duplicate paths from the PATH variable new_path=$(echo "$PATH" | tr ':' '\n' | awk '!x[$0]++' | tr '\n' ':') export PATH="$new_path" # Refresh the current shell source ~/.bashrc green "已安装jupyter lab的web端到外网端口13692上,请打开你的 外网IP:13692" green "初次安装会要求输入token设置密码,token详见上方打印信息或当前目录的nohup.out日志" green "同时已保存日志输出到当前目录的nohup.out中且已打印5秒日志如上" green "如果需要进一步查询,请关闭本窗口开一个新窗口再执行本脚本,否则无法加载一些预设的环境变量" green "如果想要手动查询,输入 source activate jupyter-env && jupyter server list && conda deactivate 即可查询" exit 0 } query_jupyter_info() { source activate jupyter-env > /dev/null 2>&1 # Check if jupyter is installed if ! jupyter --version &> /dev/null; then echo "Error: Jupyter is not installed on this system." return 1 fi source activate jupyter-env && jupyter server list && conda deactivate green "已查询登陆信息如上" green "如果想要手动查询,输入 source activate jupyter-env && jupyter server list && conda deactivate 即可查询" } main() { source activate jupyter-env > /dev/null 2>&1 # Check if jupyter is installed if jupyter --version &> /dev/null; then green "Jupyter is already installed on this system." if ! (nc -z localhost 13692) > /dev/null 2>&1 then source activate jupyter-env rm -rf nohup.out green "后台未启动jupyter,正在启动" nohup jupyter lab --port 13692 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root & green $! sleep 1 jupyter lab fi else reading "Jupyter is not installed on this system. Do you want to install it? (y/n) " confirminstall echo "" # Check user's input and exit if they do not want to proceed if [ "$confirminstall" != "y" ]; then exit 0 fi install_jupyter fi # Print the current info for Jupyter green "The current info for Jupyter:" query_jupyter_info } main