Nick: self host issue template

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas 2024-09-12 11:43:40 -04:00
parent ee38273ff9
commit eec22a56d3
3 changed files with 42 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[BUG]"
title: "[Bug] "
labels: bug
assignees: ''

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: "[Feat]"
title: "[Feat] "
labels: ''
assignees: ''

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
name: Self-host issue
about: Report an issue with self-hosting Firecrawl
title: "[Self-Host] "
labels: self-host
assignees: ''
**Describe the Issue**
Provide a clear and concise description of the self-hosting issue you're experiencing.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the issue:
1. Configure the environment or settings with '...'
2. Run the command '...'
3. Observe the error or unexpected output at '...'
4. Log output/error message
**Expected Behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen when self-hosting.
If applicable, add screenshots or copies of the command line output to help explain the self-hosting issue.
**Environment (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g. macOS, Linux, Windows]
- Firecrawl Version: [e.g. 1.2.3]
- Node.js Version: [e.g. 14.x]
- Docker Version (if applicable): [e.g. 20.10.14]
- Database Type and Version: [e.g. PostgreSQL 13.4]
If applicable, include detailed logs to help understand the self-hosting problem.
Provide relevant parts of your configuration files (with sensitive information redacted).
**Additional Context**
Add any other context about the self-hosting issue here, such as specific infrastructure details, network setup, or any modifications made to the original Firecrawl setup.