2023-10-13 16:47:01 +08:00

430 lines
18 KiB

import re
import uuid
from core.agent.agent_executor import PlanningStrategy
from core.model_providers.model_provider_factory import ModelProviderFactory
from core.model_providers.models.entity.model_params import ModelType, ModelMode
from models.account import Account
from services.dataset_service import DatasetService
SUPPORT_TOOLS = ["dataset", "google_search", "web_reader", "wikipedia", "current_datetime"]
class AppModelConfigService:
def is_dataset_exists(account: Account, dataset_id: str) -> bool:
# verify if the dataset ID exists
dataset = DatasetService.get_dataset(dataset_id)
if not dataset:
return False
if dataset.tenant_id != account.current_tenant_id:
return False
return True
def validate_model_completion_params(cp: dict, model_name: str) -> dict:
# 6. model.completion_params
if not isinstance(cp, dict):
raise ValueError("model.completion_params must be of object type")
# max_tokens
if 'max_tokens' not in cp:
cp["max_tokens"] = 512
# temperature
if 'temperature' not in cp:
cp["temperature"] = 1
# top_p
if 'top_p' not in cp:
cp["top_p"] = 1
# presence_penalty
if 'presence_penalty' not in cp:
cp["presence_penalty"] = 0
# presence_penalty
if 'frequency_penalty' not in cp:
cp["frequency_penalty"] = 0
# stop
if 'stop' not in cp:
cp["stop"] = []
elif not isinstance(cp["stop"], list):
raise ValueError("stop in model.completion_params must be of list type")
if len(cp["stop"]) > 4:
raise ValueError("stop sequences must be less than 4")
# Filter out extra parameters
filtered_cp = {
"max_tokens": cp["max_tokens"],
"temperature": cp["temperature"],
"top_p": cp["top_p"],
"presence_penalty": cp["presence_penalty"],
"frequency_penalty": cp["frequency_penalty"],
"stop": cp["stop"]
return filtered_cp
def validate_configuration(tenant_id: str, account: Account, config: dict, mode: str) -> dict:
# opening_statement
if 'opening_statement' not in config or not config["opening_statement"]:
config["opening_statement"] = ""
if not isinstance(config["opening_statement"], str):
raise ValueError("opening_statement must be of string type")
# suggested_questions
if 'suggested_questions' not in config or not config["suggested_questions"]:
config["suggested_questions"] = []
if not isinstance(config["suggested_questions"], list):
raise ValueError("suggested_questions must be of list type")
for question in config["suggested_questions"]:
if not isinstance(question, str):
raise ValueError("Elements in suggested_questions list must be of string type")
# suggested_questions_after_answer
if 'suggested_questions_after_answer' not in config or not config["suggested_questions_after_answer"]:
config["suggested_questions_after_answer"] = {
"enabled": False
if not isinstance(config["suggested_questions_after_answer"], dict):
raise ValueError("suggested_questions_after_answer must be of dict type")
if "enabled" not in config["suggested_questions_after_answer"] or not config["suggested_questions_after_answer"]["enabled"]:
config["suggested_questions_after_answer"]["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(config["suggested_questions_after_answer"]["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in suggested_questions_after_answer must be of boolean type")
# speech_to_text
if 'speech_to_text' not in config or not config["speech_to_text"]:
config["speech_to_text"] = {
"enabled": False
if not isinstance(config["speech_to_text"], dict):
raise ValueError("speech_to_text must be of dict type")
if "enabled" not in config["speech_to_text"] or not config["speech_to_text"]["enabled"]:
config["speech_to_text"]["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(config["speech_to_text"]["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in speech_to_text must be of boolean type")
# return retriever resource
if 'retriever_resource' not in config or not config["retriever_resource"]:
config["retriever_resource"] = {
"enabled": False
if not isinstance(config["retriever_resource"], dict):
raise ValueError("retriever_resource must be of dict type")
if "enabled" not in config["retriever_resource"] or not config["retriever_resource"]["enabled"]:
config["retriever_resource"]["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(config["retriever_resource"]["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in speech_to_text must be of boolean type")
# more_like_this
if 'more_like_this' not in config or not config["more_like_this"]:
config["more_like_this"] = {
"enabled": False
if not isinstance(config["more_like_this"], dict):
raise ValueError("more_like_this must be of dict type")
if "enabled" not in config["more_like_this"] or not config["more_like_this"]["enabled"]:
config["more_like_this"]["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(config["more_like_this"]["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in more_like_this must be of boolean type")
# sensitive_word_avoidance
if 'sensitive_word_avoidance' not in config or not config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]:
config["sensitive_word_avoidance"] = {
"enabled": False
if not isinstance(config["sensitive_word_avoidance"], dict):
raise ValueError("sensitive_word_avoidance must be of dict type")
if "enabled" not in config["sensitive_word_avoidance"] or not config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["enabled"]:
config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in sensitive_word_avoidance must be of boolean type")
if "words" not in config["sensitive_word_avoidance"] or not config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["words"]:
config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["words"] = ""
if not isinstance(config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["words"], str):
raise ValueError("words in sensitive_word_avoidance must be of string type")
if "canned_response" not in config["sensitive_word_avoidance"] or not config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["canned_response"]:
config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["canned_response"] = ""
if not isinstance(config["sensitive_word_avoidance"]["canned_response"], str):
raise ValueError("canned_response in sensitive_word_avoidance must be of string type")
# model
if 'model' not in config:
raise ValueError("model is required")
if not isinstance(config["model"], dict):
raise ValueError("model must be of object type")
# model.provider
model_provider_names = ModelProviderFactory.get_provider_names()
if 'provider' not in config["model"] or config["model"]["provider"] not in model_provider_names:
raise ValueError(f"model.provider is required and must be in {str(model_provider_names)}")
# model.name
if 'name' not in config["model"]:
raise ValueError("model.name is required")
model_provider = ModelProviderFactory.get_preferred_model_provider(tenant_id, config["model"]["provider"])
if not model_provider:
raise ValueError("model.name must be in the specified model list")
model_list = model_provider.get_supported_model_list(ModelType.TEXT_GENERATION)
model_ids = [m['id'] for m in model_list]
if config["model"]["name"] not in model_ids:
raise ValueError("model.name must be in the specified model list")
# model.mode
if 'mode' not in config['model'] or not config['model']["mode"]:
config['model']["mode"] = ""
# model.completion_params
if 'completion_params' not in config["model"]:
raise ValueError("model.completion_params is required")
config["model"]["completion_params"] = AppModelConfigService.validate_model_completion_params(
# user_input_form
if "user_input_form" not in config or not config["user_input_form"]:
config["user_input_form"] = []
if not isinstance(config["user_input_form"], list):
raise ValueError("user_input_form must be a list of objects")
variables = []
for item in config["user_input_form"]:
key = list(item.keys())[0]
if key not in ["text-input", "select", "paragraph"]:
raise ValueError("Keys in user_input_form list can only be 'text-input', 'paragraph' or 'select'")
form_item = item[key]
if 'label' not in form_item:
raise ValueError("label is required in user_input_form")
if not isinstance(form_item["label"], str):
raise ValueError("label in user_input_form must be of string type")
if 'variable' not in form_item:
raise ValueError("variable is required in user_input_form")
if not isinstance(form_item["variable"], str):
raise ValueError("variable in user_input_form must be of string type")
pattern = re.compile(r"^(?!\d)[\u4e00-\u9fa5A-Za-z0-9_\U0001F300-\U0001F64F\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF]{1,100}$")
if pattern.match(form_item["variable"]) is None:
raise ValueError("variable in user_input_form must be a string, "
"and cannot start with a number")
if 'required' not in form_item or not form_item["required"]:
form_item["required"] = False
if not isinstance(form_item["required"], bool):
raise ValueError("required in user_input_form must be of boolean type")
if key == "select":
if 'options' not in form_item or not form_item["options"]:
form_item["options"] = []
if not isinstance(form_item["options"], list):
raise ValueError("options in user_input_form must be a list of strings")
if "default" in form_item and form_item['default'] \
and form_item["default"] not in form_item["options"]:
raise ValueError("default value in user_input_form must be in the options list")
# pre_prompt
if "pre_prompt" not in config or not config["pre_prompt"]:
config["pre_prompt"] = ""
if not isinstance(config["pre_prompt"], str):
raise ValueError("pre_prompt must be of string type")
template_vars = re.findall(r"\{\{(\w+)\}\}", config["pre_prompt"])
for var in template_vars:
if var not in variables:
raise ValueError("Template variables in pre_prompt must be defined in user_input_form")
# agent_mode
if "agent_mode" not in config or not config["agent_mode"]:
config["agent_mode"] = {
"enabled": False,
"tools": []
if not isinstance(config["agent_mode"], dict):
raise ValueError("agent_mode must be of object type")
if "enabled" not in config["agent_mode"] or not config["agent_mode"]["enabled"]:
config["agent_mode"]["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(config["agent_mode"]["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in agent_mode must be of boolean type")
if "strategy" not in config["agent_mode"] or not config["agent_mode"]["strategy"]:
config["agent_mode"]["strategy"] = PlanningStrategy.ROUTER.value
if config["agent_mode"]["strategy"] not in [member.value for member in list(PlanningStrategy.__members__.values())]:
raise ValueError("strategy in agent_mode must be in the specified strategy list")
if "tools" not in config["agent_mode"] or not config["agent_mode"]["tools"]:
config["agent_mode"]["tools"] = []
if not isinstance(config["agent_mode"]["tools"], list):
raise ValueError("tools in agent_mode must be a list of objects")
for tool in config["agent_mode"]["tools"]:
key = list(tool.keys())[0]
if key not in SUPPORT_TOOLS:
raise ValueError("Keys in agent_mode.tools must be in the specified tool list")
tool_item = tool[key]
if "enabled" not in tool_item or not tool_item["enabled"]:
tool_item["enabled"] = False
if not isinstance(tool_item["enabled"], bool):
raise ValueError("enabled in agent_mode.tools must be of boolean type")
if key == "dataset":
if 'id' not in tool_item:
raise ValueError("id is required in dataset")
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("id in dataset must be of UUID type")
if not AppModelConfigService.is_dataset_exists(account, tool_item["id"]):
raise ValueError("Dataset ID does not exist, please check your permission.")
# dataset_query_variable
AppModelConfigService.is_dataset_query_variable_valid(config, mode)
# advanced prompt validation
AppModelConfigService.is_advanced_prompt_valid(config, mode)
# Filter out extra parameters
filtered_config = {
"opening_statement": config["opening_statement"],
"suggested_questions": config["suggested_questions"],
"suggested_questions_after_answer": config["suggested_questions_after_answer"],
"speech_to_text": config["speech_to_text"],
"retriever_resource": config["retriever_resource"],
"more_like_this": config["more_like_this"],
"sensitive_word_avoidance": config["sensitive_word_avoidance"],
"model": {
"provider": config["model"]["provider"],
"name": config["model"]["name"],
"mode": config['model']["mode"],
"completion_params": config["model"]["completion_params"]
"user_input_form": config["user_input_form"],
"dataset_query_variable": config.get('dataset_query_variable'),
"pre_prompt": config["pre_prompt"],
"agent_mode": config["agent_mode"],
"prompt_type": config["prompt_type"],
"chat_prompt_config": config["chat_prompt_config"],
"completion_prompt_config": config["completion_prompt_config"],
"dataset_configs": config["dataset_configs"]
return filtered_config
def is_dataset_query_variable_valid(config: dict, mode: str) -> None:
# Only check when mode is completion
if mode != 'completion':
agent_mode = config.get("agent_mode", {})
tools = agent_mode.get("tools", [])
dataset_exists = "dataset" in str(tools)
dataset_query_variable = config.get("dataset_query_variable")
if dataset_exists and not dataset_query_variable:
raise ValueError("Dataset query variable is required when dataset is exist")
def is_advanced_prompt_valid(config: dict, app_mode: str) -> None:
# prompt_type
if 'prompt_type' not in config or not config["prompt_type"]:
config["prompt_type"] = "simple"
if config['prompt_type'] not in ['simple', 'advanced']:
raise ValueError("prompt_type must be in ['simple', 'advanced']")
# chat_prompt_config
if 'chat_prompt_config' not in config or not config["chat_prompt_config"]:
config["chat_prompt_config"] = {}
if not isinstance(config["chat_prompt_config"], dict):
raise ValueError("chat_prompt_config must be of object type")
# completion_prompt_config
if 'completion_prompt_config' not in config or not config["completion_prompt_config"]:
config["completion_prompt_config"] = {}
if not isinstance(config["completion_prompt_config"], dict):
raise ValueError("completion_prompt_config must be of object type")
# dataset_configs
if 'dataset_configs' not in config or not config["dataset_configs"]:
config["dataset_configs"] = {"top_k": 2, "score_threshold": {"enable": False}}
if not isinstance(config["dataset_configs"], dict):
raise ValueError("dataset_configs must be of object type")
if config['prompt_type'] == 'advanced':
if not config['chat_prompt_config'] and not config['completion_prompt_config']:
raise ValueError("chat_prompt_config or completion_prompt_config is required when prompt_type is advanced")
if config['model']["mode"] not in ['chat', 'completion']:
raise ValueError("model.mode must be in ['chat', 'completion'] when prompt_type is advanced")
if app_mode == 'chat' and config['model']["mode"] == ModelMode.COMPLETION.value:
user_prefix = config['completion_prompt_config']['conversation_histories_role']['user_prefix']
assistant_prefix = config['completion_prompt_config']['conversation_histories_role']['assistant_prefix']
if not user_prefix:
config['completion_prompt_config']['conversation_histories_role']['user_prefix'] = 'Human'
if not assistant_prefix:
config['completion_prompt_config']['conversation_histories_role']['assistant_prefix'] = 'Assistant'