2023-08-12 00:57:00 +08:00

131 lines
4.6 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from flask_login import login_required, current_user
from flask_restful import Resource, reqparse
from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden
from controllers.console import api
from controllers.console.setup import setup_required
from controllers.console.wraps import account_initialization_required
from core.model_providers.providers.base import CredentialsValidateFailedError
from models.provider import ProviderType
from services.provider_service import ProviderService
class ProviderListApi(Resource):
def get(self):
tenant_id = current_user.current_tenant_id
If the type is AZURE_OPENAI, decode and return the four fields of azure_api_type, azure_api_version:,
azure_api_base, azure_api_key as an object, where azure_api_key displays the first 6 bits in plaintext, and the
rest is replaced by * and the last two bits are displayed in plaintext
If the type is other, decode and return the Token field directly, the field displays the first 6 bits in
plaintext, the rest is replaced by * and the last two bits are displayed in plaintext
provider_service = ProviderService()
provider_info_list = provider_service.get_provider_list(tenant_id)
provider_list = [
'provider_name': p['provider_name'],
'provider_type': p['provider_type'],
'is_valid': p['is_valid'],
'last_used': p['last_used'],
'is_enabled': p['is_valid'],
'quota_type': p['quota_type'],
'quota_limit': p['quota_limit'],
'quota_used': p['quota_used']
} if p['provider_type'] == ProviderType.SYSTEM.value else {}),
'token': (p['config'] if p['provider_name'] != 'openai' else p['config']['openai_api_key'])
if p['config'] else None
for name, provider_info in provider_info_list.items()
for p in provider_info['providers']
return provider_list
class ProviderTokenApi(Resource):
def post(self, provider):
# The role of the current user in the ta table must be admin or owner
if current_user.current_tenant.current_role not in ['admin', 'owner']:
raise Forbidden()
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('token', required=True, nullable=False, location='json')
args = parser.parse_args()
if provider == 'openai':
args['token'] = {
'openai_api_key': args['token']
provider_service = ProviderService()
except CredentialsValidateFailedError as ex:
raise ValueError(str(ex))
return {'result': 'success'}, 201
class ProviderTokenValidateApi(Resource):
def post(self, provider):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('token', required=True, nullable=False, location='json')
args = parser.parse_args()
provider_service = ProviderService()
if provider == 'openai':
args['token'] = {
'openai_api_key': args['token']
result = True
error = None
except CredentialsValidateFailedError as ex:
result = False
error = str(ex)
response = {'result': 'success' if result else 'error'}
if not result:
response['error'] = error
return response
api.add_resource(ProviderTokenApi, '/workspaces/current/providers/<provider>/token',
endpoint='workspaces_current_providers_token') # PUT for updating provider token
api.add_resource(ProviderTokenValidateApi, '/workspaces/current/providers/<provider>/token-validate',
endpoint='workspaces_current_providers_token_validate') # POST for validating provider token
api.add_resource(ProviderListApi, '/workspaces/current/providers') # GET for getting providers list