2024-05-27 22:01:11 +08:00

350 lines
15 KiB

import re
import uuid
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from json import loads as json_loads
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from requests import get
from yaml import YAMLError, safe_load
from core.tools.entities.common_entities import I18nObject
from core.tools.entities.tool_bundle import ApiToolBundle
from core.tools.entities.tool_entities import ApiProviderSchemaType, ToolParameter
from core.tools.errors import ToolApiSchemaError, ToolNotSupportedError, ToolProviderNotFoundError
class ApiBasedToolSchemaParser:
def parse_openapi_to_tool_bundle(openapi: dict, extra_info: dict = None, warning: dict = None) -> list[ApiToolBundle]:
warning = warning if warning is not None else {}
extra_info = extra_info if extra_info is not None else {}
# set description to extra_info
if 'description' in openapi['info']:
extra_info['description'] = openapi['info']['description']
extra_info['description'] = ''
if len(openapi['servers']) == 0:
raise ToolProviderNotFoundError('No server found in the openapi yaml.')
server_url = openapi['servers'][0]['url']
# list all interfaces
interfaces = []
for path, path_item in openapi['paths'].items():
methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch', 'head', 'options', 'trace']
for method in methods:
if method in path_item:
'path': path,
'method': method,
'operation': path_item[method],
# get all parameters
bundles = []
for interface in interfaces:
# convert parameters
parameters = []
if 'parameters' in interface['operation']:
for parameter in interface['operation']['parameters']:
tool_parameter = ToolParameter(
en_US=parameter.get('description', ''),
zh_Hans=parameter.get('description', '')
required=parameter.get('required', False),
default=parameter['schema']['default'] if 'schema' in parameter and 'default' in parameter['schema'] else None,
# check if there is a type
typ = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser._get_tool_parameter_type(parameter)
if typ:
tool_parameter.type = typ
# create tool bundle
# check if there is a request body
if 'requestBody' in interface['operation']:
request_body = interface['operation']['requestBody']
if 'content' in request_body:
for content_type, content in request_body['content'].items():
# if there is a reference, get the reference and overwrite the content
if 'schema' not in content:
if '$ref' in content['schema']:
# get the reference
root = openapi
reference = content['schema']['$ref'].split('/')[1:]
for ref in reference:
root = root[ref]
# overwrite the content
interface['operation']['requestBody']['content'][content_type]['schema'] = root
# parse body parameters
if 'schema' in interface['operation']['requestBody']['content'][content_type]:
body_schema = interface['operation']['requestBody']['content'][content_type]['schema']
required = body_schema['required'] if 'required' in body_schema else []
properties = body_schema['properties'] if 'properties' in body_schema else {}
for name, property in properties.items():
tool = ToolParameter(
en_US=property['description'] if 'description' in property else '',
zh_Hans=property['description'] if 'description' in property else ''
required=name in required,
llm_description=property['description'] if 'description' in property else '',
default=property['default'] if 'default' in property else None,
# check if there is a type
typ = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser._get_tool_parameter_type(property)
if typ:
tool.type = typ
# check if parameters is duplicated
parameters_count = {}
for parameter in parameters:
if parameter.name not in parameters_count:
parameters_count[parameter.name] = 0
parameters_count[parameter.name] += 1
for name, count in parameters_count.items():
if count > 1:
warning['duplicated_parameter'] = f'Parameter {name} is duplicated.'
# check if there is a operation id, use $path_$method as operation id if not
if 'operationId' not in interface['operation']:
# remove special characters like / to ensure the operation id is valid ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$
path = interface['path']
if interface['path'].startswith('/'):
path = interface['path'][1:]
# remove special characters like / to ensure the operation id is valid ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$
path = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]', '', path)
if not path:
path = str(uuid.uuid4())
interface['operation']['operationId'] = f'{path}_{interface["method"]}'
server_url=server_url + interface['path'],
summary=interface['operation']['description'] if 'description' in interface['operation'] else
interface['operation']['summary'] if 'summary' in interface['operation'] else None,
return bundles
def _get_tool_parameter_type(parameter: dict) -> ToolParameter.ToolParameterType:
parameter = parameter or {}
typ = None
if 'type' in parameter:
typ = parameter['type']
elif 'schema' in parameter and 'type' in parameter['schema']:
typ = parameter['schema']['type']
if typ == 'integer' or typ == 'number':
return ToolParameter.ToolParameterType.NUMBER
elif typ == 'boolean':
return ToolParameter.ToolParameterType.BOOLEAN
elif typ == 'string':
return ToolParameter.ToolParameterType.STRING
def parse_openapi_yaml_to_tool_bundle(yaml: str, extra_info: dict = None, warning: dict = None) -> list[ApiToolBundle]:
parse openapi yaml to tool bundle
:param yaml: the yaml string
:return: the tool bundle
warning = warning if warning is not None else {}
extra_info = extra_info if extra_info is not None else {}
openapi: dict = safe_load(yaml)
if openapi is None:
raise ToolApiSchemaError('Invalid openapi yaml.')
return ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.parse_openapi_to_tool_bundle(openapi, extra_info=extra_info, warning=warning)
def parse_swagger_to_openapi(swagger: dict, extra_info: dict = None, warning: dict = None) -> dict:
parse swagger to openapi
:param swagger: the swagger dict
:return: the openapi dict
# convert swagger to openapi
info = swagger.get('info', {
'title': 'Swagger',
'description': 'Swagger',
'version': '1.0.0'
servers = swagger.get('servers', [])
if len(servers) == 0:
raise ToolApiSchemaError('No server found in the swagger yaml.')
openapi = {
'openapi': '3.0.0',
'info': {
'title': info.get('title', 'Swagger'),
'description': info.get('description', 'Swagger'),
'version': info.get('version', '1.0.0')
'servers': swagger['servers'],
'paths': {},
'components': {
'schemas': {}
# check paths
if 'paths' not in swagger or len(swagger['paths']) == 0:
raise ToolApiSchemaError('No paths found in the swagger yaml.')
# convert paths
for path, path_item in swagger['paths'].items():
openapi['paths'][path] = {}
for method, operation in path_item.items():
if 'operationId' not in operation:
raise ToolApiSchemaError(f'No operationId found in operation {method} {path}.')
if ('summary' not in operation or len(operation['summary']) == 0) and \
('description' not in operation or len(operation['description']) == 0):
warning['missing_summary'] = f'No summary or description found in operation {method} {path}.'
openapi['paths'][path][method] = {
'operationId': operation['operationId'],
'summary': operation.get('summary', ''),
'description': operation.get('description', ''),
'parameters': operation.get('parameters', []),
'responses': operation.get('responses', {}),
if 'requestBody' in operation:
openapi['paths'][path][method]['requestBody'] = operation['requestBody']
# convert definitions
for name, definition in swagger['definitions'].items():
openapi['components']['schemas'][name] = definition
return openapi
def parse_openai_plugin_json_to_tool_bundle(json: str, extra_info: dict = None, warning: dict = None) -> list[ApiToolBundle]:
parse openapi plugin yaml to tool bundle
:param json: the json string
:return: the tool bundle
warning = warning if warning is not None else {}
extra_info = extra_info if extra_info is not None else {}
openai_plugin = json_loads(json)
api = openai_plugin['api']
api_url = api['url']
api_type = api['type']
raise ToolProviderNotFoundError('Invalid openai plugin json.')
if api_type != 'openapi':
raise ToolNotSupportedError('Only openapi is supported now.')
# get openapi yaml
response = get(api_url, headers={
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) '
}, timeout=5)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ToolProviderNotFoundError('cannot get openapi yaml from url.')
return ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.parse_openapi_yaml_to_tool_bundle(response.text, extra_info=extra_info, warning=warning)
def auto_parse_to_tool_bundle(content: str, extra_info: dict = None, warning: dict = None) -> tuple[list[ApiToolBundle], str]:
auto parse to tool bundle
:param content: the content
:return: tools bundle, schema_type
warning = warning if warning is not None else {}
extra_info = extra_info if extra_info is not None else {}
content = content.strip()
loaded_content = None
json_error = None
yaml_error = None
loaded_content = json_loads(content)
except JSONDecodeError as e:
json_error = e
if loaded_content is None:
loaded_content = safe_load(content)
except YAMLError as e:
yaml_error = e
if loaded_content is None:
raise ToolApiSchemaError(f'Invalid api schema, schema is neither json nor yaml. json error: {str(json_error)}, yaml error: {str(yaml_error)}')
swagger_error = None
openapi_error = None
openapi_plugin_error = None
schema_type = None
openapi = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.parse_openapi_to_tool_bundle(loaded_content, extra_info=extra_info, warning=warning)
schema_type = ApiProviderSchemaType.OPENAPI.value
return openapi, schema_type
except ToolApiSchemaError as e:
openapi_error = e
# openai parse error, fallback to swagger
converted_swagger = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.parse_swagger_to_openapi(loaded_content, extra_info=extra_info, warning=warning)
schema_type = ApiProviderSchemaType.SWAGGER.value
return ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.parse_openapi_to_tool_bundle(converted_swagger, extra_info=extra_info, warning=warning), schema_type
except ToolApiSchemaError as e:
swagger_error = e
# swagger parse error, fallback to openai plugin
openapi_plugin = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.parse_openai_plugin_json_to_tool_bundle(json_dumps(loaded_content), extra_info=extra_info, warning=warning)
return openapi_plugin, ApiProviderSchemaType.OPENAI_PLUGIN.value
except ToolNotSupportedError as e:
# maybe it's not plugin at all
openapi_plugin_error = e
raise ToolApiSchemaError(f'Invalid api schema, openapi error: {str(openapi_error)}, swagger error: {str(swagger_error)}, openapi plugin error: {str(openapi_plugin_error)}')