from typing import Optional from pydantic import AliasChoices, Field, NegativeInt, NonNegativeInt, PositiveInt, computed_field from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings from configs.feature.hosted_service import HostedServiceConfig class SecurityConfig(BaseSettings): """ Secret Key configs """ SECRET_KEY: Optional[str] = Field( description="Your App secret key will be used for securely signing the session cookie" "Make sure you are changing this key for your deployment with a strong key." "You can generate a strong key using `openssl rand -base64 42`." "Alternatively you can set it with `SECRET_KEY` environment variable.", default=None, ) RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_EXPIRY_HOURS: PositiveInt = Field( description="Expiry time in hours for reset token", default=24, ) class AppExecutionConfig(BaseSettings): """ App Execution configs """ APP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME: PositiveInt = Field( description="execution timeout in seconds for app execution", default=1200, ) APP_MAX_ACTIVE_REQUESTS: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="max active request per app, 0 means unlimited", default=0, ) class CodeExecutionSandboxConfig(BaseSettings): """ Code Execution Sandbox configs """ CODE_EXECUTION_ENDPOINT: str = Field( description="endpoint URL of code execution servcie", default="http://sandbox:8194", ) CODE_EXECUTION_API_KEY: str = Field( description="API key for code execution service", default="dify-sandbox", ) CODE_MAX_NUMBER: PositiveInt = Field( description="max depth for code execution", default=9223372036854775807, ) CODE_MIN_NUMBER: NegativeInt = Field( description="", default=-9223372036854775807, ) CODE_MAX_DEPTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="max depth for code execution", default=5, ) CODE_MAX_PRECISION: PositiveInt = Field( description="max precision digits for float type in code execution", default=20, ) CODE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="max string length for code execution", default=80000, ) CODE_MAX_STRING_ARRAY_LENGTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="", default=30, ) CODE_MAX_OBJECT_ARRAY_LENGTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="", default=30, ) CODE_MAX_NUMBER_ARRAY_LENGTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="", default=1000, ) class EndpointConfig(BaseSettings): """ Module URL configs """ CONSOLE_API_URL: str = Field( description="The backend URL prefix of the console API." "used to concatenate the login authorization callback or notion integration callback.", default="", ) CONSOLE_WEB_URL: str = Field( description="The front-end URL prefix of the console web." "used to concatenate some front-end addresses and for CORS configuration use.", default="", ) SERVICE_API_URL: str = Field( description="Service API Url prefix." "used to display Service API Base Url to the front-end.", default="", ) APP_WEB_URL: str = Field( description="WebApp Url prefix." "used to display WebAPP API Base Url to the front-end.", default="", ) class FileAccessConfig(BaseSettings): """ File Access configs """ FILES_URL: str = Field( description="File preview or download Url prefix." " used to display File preview or download Url to the front-end or as Multi-model inputs;" "Url is signed and has expiration time.", validation_alias=AliasChoices("FILES_URL", "CONSOLE_API_URL"), alias_priority=1, default="", ) FILES_ACCESS_TIMEOUT: int = Field( description="timeout in seconds for file accessing", default=300, ) class FileUploadConfig(BaseSettings): """ File Uploading configs """ UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="size limit in Megabytes for uploading files", default=15, ) UPLOAD_FILE_BATCH_LIMIT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="batch size limit for uploading files", default=5, ) UPLOAD_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="image file size limit in Megabytes for uploading files", default=10, ) BATCH_UPLOAD_LIMIT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="", # todo: to be clarified default=20, ) class HttpConfig(BaseSettings): """ HTTP configs """ API_COMPRESSION_ENABLED: bool = Field( description="whether to enable HTTP response compression of gzip", default=False, ) inner_CONSOLE_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS: str = Field( description="", validation_alias=AliasChoices("CONSOLE_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS", "CONSOLE_WEB_URL"), default="", ) @computed_field @property def CONSOLE_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS(self) -> list[str]: return self.inner_CONSOLE_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS.split(",") inner_WEB_API_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS: str = Field( description="", validation_alias=AliasChoices("WEB_API_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS"), default="*", ) @computed_field @property def WEB_API_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS(self) -> list[str]: return self.inner_WEB_API_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS.split(",") HTTP_REQUEST_MAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="", default=300, ) HTTP_REQUEST_MAX_READ_TIMEOUT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="", default=600, ) HTTP_REQUEST_MAX_WRITE_TIMEOUT: NonNegativeInt = Field( description="", default=600, ) HTTP_REQUEST_NODE_MAX_BINARY_SIZE: PositiveInt = Field( description="", default=10 * 1024 * 1024, ) HTTP_REQUEST_NODE_MAX_TEXT_SIZE: PositiveInt = Field( description="", default=1 * 1024 * 1024, ) SSRF_PROXY_HTTP_URL: Optional[str] = Field( description="HTTP URL for SSRF proxy", default=None, ) SSRF_PROXY_HTTPS_URL: Optional[str] = Field( description="HTTPS URL for SSRF proxy", default=None, ) class InnerAPIConfig(BaseSettings): """ Inner API configs """ INNER_API: bool = Field( description="whether to enable the inner API", default=False, ) INNER_API_KEY: Optional[str] = Field( description="The inner API key is used to authenticate the inner API", default=None, ) class LoggingConfig(BaseSettings): """ Logging configs """ LOG_LEVEL: str = Field( description="Log output level, default to INFO." "It is recommended to set it to ERROR for production.", default="INFO", ) LOG_FILE: Optional[str] = Field( description="logging output file path", default=None, ) LOG_FORMAT: str = Field( description="log format", default="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s [%(threadName)s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] - %(message)s", ) LOG_DATEFORMAT: Optional[str] = Field( description="log date format", default=None, ) LOG_TZ: Optional[str] = Field( description="specify log timezone, eg: America/New_York", default=None, ) class ModelLoadBalanceConfig(BaseSettings): """ Model load balance configs """ MODEL_LB_ENABLED: bool = Field( description="whether to enable model load balancing", default=False, ) class BillingConfig(BaseSettings): """ Platform Billing Configurations """ BILLING_ENABLED: bool = Field( description="whether to enable billing", default=False, ) class UpdateConfig(BaseSettings): """ Update configs """ CHECK_UPDATE_URL: str = Field( description="url for checking updates", default="", ) class WorkflowConfig(BaseSettings): """ Workflow feature configs """ WORKFLOW_MAX_EXECUTION_STEPS: PositiveInt = Field( description="max execution steps in single workflow execution", default=500, ) WORKFLOW_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME: PositiveInt = Field( description="max execution time in seconds in single workflow execution", default=1200, ) WORKFLOW_CALL_MAX_DEPTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="max depth of calling in single workflow execution", default=5, ) MAX_VARIABLE_SIZE: PositiveInt = Field( description="The maximum size in bytes of a variable. default to 5KB.", default=5 * 1024, ) class OAuthConfig(BaseSettings): """ oauth configs """ OAUTH_REDIRECT_PATH: str = Field( description="redirect path for OAuth", default="/console/api/oauth/authorize", ) GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: Optional[str] = Field( description="GitHub client id for OAuth", default=None, ) GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: Optional[str] = Field( description="GitHub client secret key for OAuth", default=None, ) GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Optional[str] = Field( description="Google client id for OAuth", default=None, ) GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Optional[str] = Field( description="Google client secret key for OAuth", default=None, ) class ModerationConfig(BaseSettings): """ Moderation in app configs. """ MODERATION_BUFFER_SIZE: PositiveInt = Field( description="buffer size for moderation", default=300, ) class ToolConfig(BaseSettings): """ Tool configs """ TOOL_ICON_CACHE_MAX_AGE: PositiveInt = Field( description="max age in seconds for tool icon caching", default=3600, ) class MailConfig(BaseSettings): """ Mail Configurations """ MAIL_TYPE: Optional[str] = Field( description="Mail provider type name, default to None, availabile values are `smtp` and `resend`.", default=None, ) MAIL_DEFAULT_SEND_FROM: Optional[str] = Field( description="default email address for sending from ", default=None, ) RESEND_API_KEY: Optional[str] = Field( description="API key for Resend", default=None, ) RESEND_API_URL: Optional[str] = Field( description="API URL for Resend", default=None, ) SMTP_SERVER: Optional[str] = Field( description="smtp server host", default=None, ) SMTP_PORT: Optional[int] = Field( description="smtp server port", default=465, ) SMTP_USERNAME: Optional[str] = Field( description="smtp server username", default=None, ) SMTP_PASSWORD: Optional[str] = Field( description="smtp server password", default=None, ) SMTP_USE_TLS: bool = Field( description="whether to use TLS connection to smtp server", default=False, ) SMTP_OPPORTUNISTIC_TLS: bool = Field( description="whether to use opportunistic TLS connection to smtp server", default=False, ) class RagEtlConfig(BaseSettings): """ RAG ETL Configurations. """ ETL_TYPE: str = Field( description="RAG ETL type name, default to `dify`, available values are `dify` and `Unstructured`. ", default="dify", ) KEYWORD_DATA_SOURCE_TYPE: str = Field( description="source type for keyword data, default to `database`, available values are `database` .", default="database", ) UNSTRUCTURED_API_URL: Optional[str] = Field( description="API URL for Unstructured", default=None, ) UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY: Optional[str] = Field( description="API key for Unstructured", default=None, ) class DataSetConfig(BaseSettings): """ Dataset configs """ CLEAN_DAY_SETTING: PositiveInt = Field( description="interval in days for cleaning up dataset", default=30, ) DATASET_OPERATOR_ENABLED: bool = Field( description="whether to enable dataset operator", default=False, ) class WorkspaceConfig(BaseSettings): """ Workspace configs """ INVITE_EXPIRY_HOURS: PositiveInt = Field( description="workspaces invitation expiration in hours", default=72, ) class IndexingConfig(BaseSettings): """ Indexing configs. """ INDEXING_MAX_SEGMENTATION_TOKENS_LENGTH: PositiveInt = Field( description="max segmentation token length for indexing", default=1000, ) class ImageFormatConfig(BaseSettings): MULTIMODAL_SEND_IMAGE_FORMAT: str = Field( description="multi model send image format, support base64, url, default is base64", default="base64", ) class CeleryBeatConfig(BaseSettings): CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULER_TIME: int = Field( description="the time of the celery scheduler, default to 1 day", default=1, ) class PositionConfig(BaseSettings): POSITION_PROVIDER_PINS: str = Field( description="The heads of model providers", default="", ) POSITION_PROVIDER_INCLUDES: str = Field( description="The included model providers", default="", ) POSITION_PROVIDER_EXCLUDES: str = Field( description="The excluded model providers", default="", ) POSITION_TOOL_PINS: str = Field( description="The heads of tools", default="", ) POSITION_TOOL_INCLUDES: str = Field( description="The included tools", default="", ) POSITION_TOOL_EXCLUDES: str = Field( description="The excluded tools", default="", ) @computed_field def POSITION_PROVIDER_PINS_LIST(self) -> list[str]: return [item.strip() for item in self.POSITION_PROVIDER_PINS.split(",") if item.strip() != ""] @computed_field def POSITION_PROVIDER_INCLUDES_SET(self) -> set[str]: return {item.strip() for item in self.POSITION_PROVIDER_INCLUDES.split(",") if item.strip() != ""} @computed_field def POSITION_PROVIDER_EXCLUDES_SET(self) -> set[str]: return {item.strip() for item in self.POSITION_PROVIDER_EXCLUDES.split(",") if item.strip() != ""} @computed_field def POSITION_TOOL_PINS_LIST(self) -> list[str]: return [item.strip() for item in self.POSITION_TOOL_PINS.split(",") if item.strip() != ""] @computed_field def POSITION_TOOL_INCLUDES_SET(self) -> set[str]: return {item.strip() for item in self.POSITION_TOOL_INCLUDES.split(",") if item.strip() != ""} @computed_field def POSITION_TOOL_EXCLUDES_SET(self) -> set[str]: return {item.strip() for item in self.POSITION_TOOL_EXCLUDES.split(",") if item.strip() != ""} class FeatureConfig( # place the configs in alphabet order AppExecutionConfig, BillingConfig, CodeExecutionSandboxConfig, DataSetConfig, EndpointConfig, FileAccessConfig, FileUploadConfig, HttpConfig, ImageFormatConfig, InnerAPIConfig, IndexingConfig, LoggingConfig, MailConfig, ModelLoadBalanceConfig, ModerationConfig, OAuthConfig, RagEtlConfig, SecurityConfig, ToolConfig, UpdateConfig, WorkflowConfig, WorkspaceConfig, PositionConfig, # hosted services config HostedServiceConfig, CeleryBeatConfig, ): pass