const translation = { list: { title: 'Documents', desc: 'All files of the dataset are shown here, and the entire dataset can be linked to Dify citations or indexed via the Chat plugin.', addFile: 'add file', addPages: 'Add Pages', table: { header: { fileName: 'FILE NAME', words: 'WORDS', hitCount: 'HIT COUNT', uploadTime: 'UPLOAD TIME', status: 'STATUS', action: 'ACTION', }, }, action: { uploadFile: 'Upload new file', settings: 'Segment settings', addButton: 'Add segment', add: 'Add a segment', batchAdd: 'Batch add', archive: 'Archive', unarchive: 'Unarchive', delete: 'Delete', enableWarning: 'Archived file cannot be enabled', sync: 'Sync', }, index: { enable: 'Enable', disable: 'Disable', all: 'All', enableTip: 'The file can be indexed', disableTip: 'The file cannot be indexed', }, status: { queuing: 'Queuing', indexing: 'Indexing', paused: 'Paused', error: 'Error', available: 'Available', enabled: 'Enabled', disabled: 'Disabled', archived: 'Archived', }, empty: { title: 'There is no documentation yet', upload: { tip: 'You can upload files, sync from the website, or from webb apps like Notion, GitHub, etc.', }, sync: { tip: 'Dify will periodically download files from your Notion and complete processing.', }, }, delete: { title: 'Are you sure Delete?', content: 'If you need to resume processing later, you will continue from where you left off', }, batchModal: { title: 'Batch add segments', csvUploadTitle: 'Drag and drop your CSV file here, or ', browse: 'browse', tip: 'The CSV file must conform to the following structure:', question: 'question', answer: 'answer', contentTitle: 'segment content', content: 'content', template: 'Download the template here', cancel: 'Cancel', run: 'Run Batch', runError: 'Run batch failed', processing: 'In batch processing', completed: 'Import completed', error: 'Import Error', ok: 'OK', }, }, metadata: { title: 'Metadata', desc: 'Labeling metadata for documents allows AI to access them in a timely manner and exposes the source of references for users.', dateTimeFormat: 'MMMM D, YYYY hh:mm A', docTypeSelectTitle: 'Please select a document type', docTypeChangeTitle: 'Change document type', docTypeSelectWarning: 'If the document type is changed, the now filled metadata will no longer be preserved', firstMetaAction: 'Let\'s go', placeholder: { add: 'Add ', select: 'Select ', }, source: { upload_file: 'Upload File', notion: 'Sync form Notion', github: 'Sync form Github', }, type: { book: 'Book', webPage: 'Web Page', paper: 'Paper', socialMediaPost: 'Social Media Post', personalDocument: 'Personal Document', businessDocument: 'Business Document', IMChat: 'IM Chat', wikipediaEntry: 'Wikipedia Entry', notion: 'Sync form Notion', github: 'Sync form Github', technicalParameters: 'Technical Parameters', }, field: { processRule: { processDoc: 'Process Document', segmentRule: 'Segment Rule', segmentLength: 'Segment Length', processClean: 'Text Process Clean', }, book: { title: 'Title', language: 'Language', author: 'Author', publisher: 'Publisher', publicationDate: 'Publication Date', ISBN: 'ISBN', category: 'Category', }, webPage: { title: 'Title', url: 'URL', language: 'Language', authorPublisher: 'Author/Publisher', publishDate: 'Publish Date', topicsKeywords: 'Topics/Keywords', description: 'Description', }, paper: { title: 'Title', language: 'Language', author: 'Author', publishDate: 'Publish Date', journalConferenceName: 'Journal/Conference Name', volumeIssuePage: 'Volume/Issue/Page', DOI: 'DOI', topicsKeywords: 'Topics/Keywords', abstract: 'Abstract', }, socialMediaPost: { platform: 'Platform', authorUsername: 'Author/Username', publishDate: 'Publish Date', postURL: 'Post URL', topicsTags: 'Topics/Tags', }, personalDocument: { title: 'Title', author: 'Author', creationDate: 'Creation Date', lastModifiedDate: 'Last Modified Date', documentType: 'Document Type', tagsCategory: 'Tags/Category', }, businessDocument: { title: 'Title', author: 'Author', creationDate: 'Creation Date', lastModifiedDate: 'Last Modified Date', documentType: 'Document Type', departmentTeam: 'Department/Team', }, IMChat: { chatPlatform: 'Chat Platform', chatPartiesGroupName: 'Chat Parties/Group Name', participants: 'Participants', startDate: 'Start Date', endDate: 'End Date', topicsKeywords: 'Topics/Keywords', fileType: 'File Type', }, wikipediaEntry: { title: 'Title', language: 'Language', webpageURL: 'Webpage URL', editorContributor: 'Editor/Contributor', lastEditDate: 'Last Edit Date', summaryIntroduction: 'Summary/Introduction', }, notion: { title: 'Title', language: 'Language', author: 'Author', createdTime: 'Created Time', lastModifiedTime: 'Last Modified Time', url: 'URL', tag: 'Tag', description: 'Description', }, github: { repoName: 'Repo Name', repoDesc: 'Repo Description', repoOwner: 'Repo Owner', fileName: 'File Name', filePath: 'File Path', programmingLang: 'Programming Language', url: 'URL', license: 'License', lastCommitTime: 'Last Commit Time', lastCommitAuthor: 'Last Commit Author', }, originInfo: { originalFilename: 'Original filename', originalFileSize: 'Original file size', uploadDate: 'Upload date', lastUpdateDate: 'Last update date', source: 'Source', }, technicalParameters: { segmentSpecification: 'Segment specification', segmentLength: 'Segment length', avgParagraphLength: 'Avg. paragraph length', paragraphs: 'Paragraphs', hitCount: 'Hit count', embeddingTime: 'Embedding time', embeddedSpend: 'Embedded spend', }, }, languageMap: { zh: 'Chinese', en: 'English', es: 'Spanish', fr: 'French', de: 'German', ja: 'Japanese', ko: 'Korean', ru: 'Russian', ar: 'Arabic', pt: 'Portuguese', it: 'Italian', nl: 'Dutch', pl: 'Polish', sv: 'Swedish', tr: 'Turkish', he: 'Hebrew', hi: 'Hindi', da: 'Danish', fi: 'Finnish', no: 'Norwegian', hu: 'Hungarian', el: 'Greek', cs: 'Czech', th: 'Thai', id: 'Indonesian', }, categoryMap: { book: { fiction: 'Fiction', biography: 'Biography', history: 'History', science: 'Science', technology: 'Technology', education: 'Education', philosophy: 'Philosophy', religion: 'Religion', socialSciences: 'SocialSciences', art: 'Art', travel: 'Travel', health: 'Health', selfHelp: 'SelfHelp', businessEconomics: 'BusinessEconomics', cooking: 'Cooking', childrenYoungAdults: 'ChildrenYoungAdults', comicsGraphicNovels: 'ComicsGraphicNovels', poetry: 'Poetry', drama: 'Drama', other: 'Other', }, personalDoc: { notes: 'Notes', blogDraft: 'Blog Draft', diary: 'Diary', researchReport: 'Research Report', bookExcerpt: 'Book Excerpt', schedule: 'Schedule', list: 'List', projectOverview: 'Project Overview', photoCollection: 'Photo Collection', creativeWriting: 'Creative Writing', codeSnippet: 'Code Snippet', designDraft: 'Design Draft', personalResume: 'Personal Resume', other: 'Other', }, businessDoc: { meetingMinutes: 'Meeting Minutes', researchReport: 'Research Report', proposal: 'Proposal', employeeHandbook: 'Employee Handbook', trainingMaterials: 'Training Materials', requirementsDocument: 'Requirements Document', designDocument: 'Design Document', productSpecification: 'Product Specification', financialReport: 'Financial Report', marketAnalysis: 'Market Analysis', projectPlan: 'Project Plan', teamStructure: 'Team Structure', policiesProcedures: 'Policies & Procedures', contractsAgreements: 'Contracts & Agreements', emailCorrespondence: 'Email Correspondence', other: 'Other', }, }, }, embedding: { processing: 'Embedding processing...', paused: 'Embedding paused', completed: 'Embedding completed', error: 'Embedding error', docName: 'Preprocessing document', mode: 'Segmentation rule', segmentLength: 'Segmentation length', textCleaning: 'Text pre-definition and cleaning', segments: 'Paragraphs', highQuality: 'High-quality mode', economy: 'Economy mode', estimate: 'Estimated consumption', stop: 'Stop processing', resume: 'Resume processing', automatic: 'Automatic', custom: 'Custom', previewTip: 'Paragraph preview will be available after embedding is complete', }, segment: { paragraphs: 'Paragraphs', keywords: 'Key Words', addKeyWord: 'Add key word', keywordError: 'The maximum length of keyword is 20', characters: 'characters', hitCount: 'hit count', vectorHash: 'Vector hash: ', questionPlaceholder: 'add question here', questionEmpty: 'Question can not be empty', answerPlaceholder: 'add answer here', answerEmpty: 'Answer can not be empty', contentPlaceholder: 'add content here', contentEmpty: 'Content can not be empty', newTextSegment: 'New Text Segment', newQaSegment: 'New Q&A Segment', delete: 'Delete this segment ?', }, } export default translation