import fs from "fs-extra"; import zlib from "zlib"; import tar from "tar"; import path from "path"; import AdmZip from "adm-zip"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import proxyAgent from "https-proxy-agent"; import { execSync } from "child_process"; const cwd = process.cwd(); const TEMP_DIR = path.join(cwd, "node_modules/.verge"); const FORCE = process.argv.includes("--force"); const PLATFORM_MAP = { "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": "win32", "i686-pc-windows-msvc": "win32", "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": "win32", "x86_64-apple-darwin": "darwin", "aarch64-apple-darwin": "darwin", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "linux", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": "linux", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf": "linux", }; const ARCH_MAP = { "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": "x64", "i686-pc-windows-msvc": "ia32", "aarch64-pc-windows-msvc": "arm64", "x86_64-apple-darwin": "x64", "aarch64-apple-darwin": "arm64", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "x64", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": "arm64", "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf": "arm", }; const arg1 = process.argv.slice(2)[0]; const arg2 = process.argv.slice(2)[1]; const target = arg1 === "--force" ? arg2 : arg1; const { platform, arch } = target ? { platform: PLATFORM_MAP[target], arch: ARCH_MAP[target] } : process; const SIDECAR_HOST = target ? target : execSync("rustc -vV") .toString() .match(/(?<=host: ).+(?=\s*)/g)[0]; /* ======= clash meta alpha======= */ const VERSION_URL = ""; const META_ALPHA_URL_PREFIX = ``; let META_ALPHA_VERSION; const META_ALPHA_MAP = { "win32-x64": "mihomo-windows-amd64-compatible", "win32-ia32": "mihomo-windows-386", "win32-arm64": "mihomo-windows-arm64", "darwin-x64": "mihomo-darwin-amd64", "darwin-arm64": "mihomo-darwin-arm64", "linux-x64": "mihomo-linux-amd64-compatible", "linux-arm64": "mihomo-linux-arm64", "linux-arm": "mihomo-linux-armv7", }; // Fetch the latest release version from the version.txt file async function getLatestVersion() { try { const response = await fetch(VERSION_URL, { method: "GET" }); let v = await response.text(); META_ALPHA_VERSION = v.trim(); // Trim to remove extra whitespaces console.log(`Latest release version: ${META_ALPHA_VERSION}`); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching latest release version:", error.message); process.exit(1); } } /* ======= clash meta stable ======= */ const META_URL_PREFIX = ``; let META_VERSION = "v1.17.0"; const META_MAP = { "win32-x64": "mihomo-windows-amd64-compatible", "win32-ia32": "mihomo-windows-386", "win32-arm64": "mihomo-windows-arm64", "darwin-x64": "mihomo-darwin-amd64", "darwin-arm64": "mihomo-darwin-arm64", "linux-x64": "mihomo-linux-amd64-compatible", "linux-arm64": "mihomo-linux-arm64", "linux-arm": "mihomo-linux-armv7", }; /* * check available */ if (!META_MAP[`${platform}-${arch}`]) { throw new Error( `clash meta alpha unsupported platform "${platform}-${arch}"` ); } if (!META_ALPHA_MAP[`${platform}-${arch}`]) { throw new Error( `clash meta alpha unsupported platform "${platform}-${arch}"` ); } /** * core info */ function clashMetaAlpha() { const name = META_ALPHA_MAP[`${platform}-${arch}`]; const isWin = platform === "win32"; const urlExt = isWin ? "zip" : "gz"; const downloadURL = `${META_ALPHA_URL_PREFIX}/${name}-${META_ALPHA_VERSION}.${urlExt}`; const exeFile = `${name}${isWin ? ".exe" : ""}`; const zipFile = `${name}-${META_ALPHA_VERSION}.${urlExt}`; return { name: "clash-meta-alpha", targetFile: `clash-meta-alpha-${SIDECAR_HOST}${isWin ? ".exe" : ""}`, exeFile, zipFile, downloadURL, }; } function clashMeta() { const name = META_MAP[`${platform}-${arch}`]; const isWin = platform === "win32"; const urlExt = isWin ? "zip" : "gz"; const downloadURL = `${META_URL_PREFIX}/${META_VERSION}/${name}-${META_VERSION}.${urlExt}`; const exeFile = `${name}${isWin ? ".exe" : ""}`; const zipFile = `${name}-${META_VERSION}.${urlExt}`; return { name: "clash-meta", targetFile: `clash-meta-${SIDECAR_HOST}${isWin ? ".exe" : ""}`, exeFile, zipFile, downloadURL, }; } /** * download sidecar and rename */ async function resolveSidecar(binInfo) { const { name, targetFile, zipFile, exeFile, downloadURL } = binInfo; const sidecarDir = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri", "sidecar"); const sidecarPath = path.join(sidecarDir, targetFile); await fs.mkdirp(sidecarDir); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(sidecarPath))) return; const tempDir = path.join(TEMP_DIR, name); const tempZip = path.join(tempDir, zipFile); const tempExe = path.join(tempDir, exeFile); await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); try { if (!(await fs.pathExists(tempZip))) { await downloadFile(downloadURL, tempZip); } if (zipFile.endsWith(".zip")) { const zip = new AdmZip(tempZip); zip.getEntries().forEach((entry) => { console.log(`[DEBUG]: "${name}" entry name`, entry.entryName); }); zip.extractAllTo(tempDir, true); await fs.rename(tempExe, sidecarPath); console.log(`[INFO]: "${name}" unzip finished`); } else if (zipFile.endsWith(".tgz")) { // tgz await fs.mkdirp(tempDir); await tar.extract({ cwd: tempDir, file: tempZip, //strip: 1, // 可能需要根据实际的 .tgz 文件结构调整 }); const files = await fs.readdir(tempDir); console.log(`[DEBUG]: "${name}" files in tempDir:`, files); const extractedFile = files.find((file) => file.startsWith("虚空终端-")); if (extractedFile) { const extractedFilePath = path.join(tempDir, extractedFile); await fs.rename(extractedFilePath, sidecarPath); console.log(`[INFO]: "${name}" file renamed to "${sidecarPath}"`); execSync(`chmod 755 ${sidecarPath}`); console.log(`[INFO]: "${name}" chmod binary finished`); } else { throw new Error(`Expected file not found in ${tempDir}`); } } else { // gz const readStream = fs.createReadStream(tempZip); const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(sidecarPath); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onError = (error) => { console.error(`[ERROR]: "${name}" gz failed:`, error.message); reject(error); }; readStream .pipe(zlib.createGunzip().on("error", onError)) .pipe(writeStream) .on("finish", () => { console.log(`[INFO]: "${name}" gunzip finished`); execSync(`chmod 755 ${sidecarPath}`); console.log(`[INFO]: "${name}" chmod binary finished`); resolve(); }) .on("error", onError); }); } } catch (err) { // 需要删除文件 await fs.remove(sidecarPath); throw err; } finally { // delete temp dir await fs.remove(tempDir); } } /** * download the file to the resources dir */ async function resolveResource(binInfo) { const { file, downloadURL } = binInfo; const resDir = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri/resources"); const targetPath = path.join(resDir, file); if (!FORCE && (await fs.pathExists(targetPath))) return; await fs.mkdirp(resDir); await downloadFile(downloadURL, targetPath); console.log(`[INFO]: ${file} finished`); } /** * download file and save to `path` */ async function downloadFile(url, path) { const options = {}; const httpProxy = process.env.HTTP_PROXY || process.env.http_proxy || process.env.HTTPS_PROXY || process.env.https_proxy; if (httpProxy) { options.agent = proxyAgent(httpProxy); } const response = await fetch(url, { ...options, method: "GET", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" }, }); const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); await fs.writeFile(path, new Uint8Array(buffer)); console.log(`[INFO]: download finished "${url}"`); } /** * main */ const SERVICE_URL = ""; const resolveService = () => resolveResource({ file: "clash-verge-service.exe", downloadURL: `${SERVICE_URL}/clash-verge-service.exe`, }); const resolveInstall = () => resolveResource({ file: "install-service.exe", downloadURL: `${SERVICE_URL}/install-service.exe`, }); const resolveUninstall = () => resolveResource({ file: "uninstall-service.exe", downloadURL: `${SERVICE_URL}/uninstall-service.exe`, }); const resolveMmdb = () => resolveResource({ file: "Country.mmdb", downloadURL: ``, }); const resolveGeosite = () => resolveResource({ file: "geosite.dat", downloadURL: ``, }); const resolveGeoIP = () => resolveResource({ file: "geoip.dat", downloadURL: ``, }); const resolveEnableLoopback = () => resolveResource({ file: "enableLoopback.exe", downloadURL: ``, }); const tasks = [ // { name: "clash", func: resolveClash, retry: 5 }, { name: "clash-meta-alpha", func: () => getLatestVersion().then(() => resolveSidecar(clashMetaAlpha())), retry: 5, }, { name: "clash-meta", func: () => resolveSidecar(clashMeta()), retry: 5, }, // { name: "wintun", func: resolveWintun, retry: 5, winOnly: true }, { name: "service", func: resolveService, retry: 5, winOnly: true }, { name: "install", func: resolveInstall, retry: 5, winOnly: true }, { name: "uninstall", func: resolveUninstall, retry: 5, winOnly: true }, { name: "mmdb", func: resolveMmdb, retry: 5 }, { name: "geosite", func: resolveGeosite, retry: 5 }, { name: "geoip", func: resolveGeoIP, retry: 5 }, { name: "enableLoopback", func: resolveEnableLoopback, retry: 5, winOnly: true, }, ]; async function runTask() { const task = tasks.shift(); if (!task) return; if (task.winOnly && process.platform !== "win32") return runTask(); for (let i = 0; i < task.retry; i++) { try { await task.func(); break; } catch (err) { console.error(`[ERROR]: task::${} try ${i} ==`, err.message); if (i === task.retry - 1) throw err; } } return runTask(); } runTask(); runTask();