#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) Juewuy #脚本内部工具 getconfig(){ #加载配置文件 [ -d "/etc/storage/clash" ] && clashdir=/etc/storage/clash [ -d "/jffs/clash" ] && clashdir=/jffs/clash [ -z "$clashdir" ] && clashdir=$(cat /etc/profile | grep clashdir | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}') [ -z "$clashdir" ] && clashdir=$(cat ~/.bashrc | grep clashdir | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}') ccfg=$clashdir/mark [ -f $ccfg ] && source $ccfg #默认设置 [ -z "$bindir" ] && bindir=$clashdir [ -z "$redir_mod" ] && [ "$USER" = "root" -o "$USER" = "admin" ] && redir_mod=Redir模式 [ -z "$redir_mod" ] && redir_mod=纯净模式 [ -z "$skip_cert" ] && skip_cert=已开启 [ -z "$dns_mod" ] && dns_mod=redir_host [ -z "$ipv6_support" ] && ipv6_support=已开启 [ -z "$ipv6_redir" ] && ipv6_redir=未开启 [ -z "$ipv6_dns" ] && ipv6_dns=已开启 [ -z "$cn_ipv6_route" ] && cn_ipv6_route=未开启 [ -z "$mix_port" ] && mix_port=7890 [ -z "$redir_port" ] && redir_port=7892 [ -z "$tproxy_port" ] && tproxy_port=7893 [ -z "$db_port" ] && db_port=9999 [ -z "$dns_port" ] && dns_port=1053 [ -z "$sniffer" ] && sniffer=已开启 #是否代理常用端口 [ -z "$common_ports" ] && common_ports=已开启 [ -z "$multiport" ] && multiport='22,53,80,123,143,194,443,465,587,853,993,995,5222,8080,8443' [ "$common_ports" = "已开启" ] && ports="-m multiport --dports $multiport" } setconfig(){ #参数1代表变量名,参数2代表变量值,参数3即文件路径 [ -z "$3" ] && configpath=$clashdir/mark || configpath=$3 [ -n "$(grep ${1} $configpath)" ] && sed -i "s#${1}=.*#${1}=${2}#g" $configpath || echo "${1}=${2}" >> $configpath } ckcmd(){ command -v sh &>/dev/null && command -v $1 &>/dev/null || type $1 &>/dev/null } compare(){ if [ ! -f $1 -o ! -f $2 ];then return 1 elif ckcmd cmp;then cmp -s $1 $2 else [ "$(cat $1)" = "$(cat $2)" ] && return 0 || return 1 fi } logger(){ #$1文字描述$2显示颜色$3是否推送 [ -n "$2" ] && echo -e "\033[$2m$1\033[0m" log_text="$(date "+%G-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")~$1" echo $log_text >> /tmp/ShellClash_log [ "$(wc -l /tmp/ShellClash_log | awk '{print $1}')" -gt 99 ] && sed -i '1,5d' /tmp/ShellClash_log [ -z "$3" ] && { getconfig [ -n "$(pidof clash)" ] && { [ -n "$authentication" ] && auth="$authentication@" export https_proxy="http://${auth}$mix_port" } [ -n "$push_TG" ] && { url=https://api.telegram.org/bot${push_TG}/sendMessage curl_data="-d chat_id=$chat_ID&text=$log_text" wget_data="--post-data=$chat_ID&text=$log_text" if curl --version &> /dev/null;then curl -kfsSl --connect-timeout 3 -d "chat_id=$chat_ID&text=$log_text" "$url" &>/dev/null else wget -Y on -q --timeout=3 -t 1 --post-data="chat_id=$chat_ID&text=$log_text" "$url" fi } [ -n "$push_bark" ] && { url=${push_bark}/${log_text} if curl --version &> /dev/null;then curl -kfsSl --connect-timeout 3 "$url" &>/dev/null else wget -Y on -q --timeout=3 -t 1 "$url" fi } [ -n "$push_Deer" ] && { url=https://api2.pushdeer.com/message/push?pushkey=${push_Deer} if curl --version &> /dev/null;then curl -kfsSl --connect-timeout 3 "$url"\&text="$log_text" &>/dev/null else wget -Y on -q --timeout=3 -t 1 "$url"\&text="$log_text" fi } [ -n "$push_Po" ] && { url=https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json curl -kfsSl --connect-timeout 3 --form-string "token=$push_Po" --form-string "user=$push_Po_key" --form-string "message=$log_text" "$url" &>/dev/null } } & } croncmd(){ if [ -n "$(crontab -h 2>&1 | grep '\-l')" ];then crontab $1 else crondir="$(crond -h 2>&1 | grep -oE 'Default:.*' | awk -F ":" '{print $2}')" [ ! -w "$crondir" ] && crondir="/etc/storage/cron/crontabs" [ ! -w "$crondir" ] && crondir="/var/spool/cron/crontabs" [ ! -w "$crondir" ] && crondir="/var/spool/cron" [ ! -w "$crondir" ] && echo "你的设备不支持定时任务配置,脚本大量功能无法启用,请尝试使用搜索引擎查找安装方式!" [ "$1" = "-l" ] && cat $crondir/$USER 2>/dev/null [ -f "$1" ] && cat $1 > $crondir/$USER fi } cronset(){ # 参数1代表要移除的关键字,参数2代表要添加的任务语句 tmpcron=/tmp/cron_$USER croncmd -l > $tmpcron sed -i "/$1/d" $tmpcron sed -i '/^$/d' $tmpcron echo "$2" >> $tmpcron croncmd $tmpcron rm -f $tmpcron } put_save(){ if curl --version > /dev/null 2>&1;then curl -sS -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer ${secret}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$1" -d "$2" >/dev/null elif wget --version > /dev/null 2>&1;then wget -q --method=PUT --header="Authorization: Bearer ${secret}" --header="Content-Type:application/json" --body-data="$2" "$1" >/dev/null fi } mark_time(){ echo `date +%s` > /tmp/clash_start_time } autoSSH(){ #自动开启SSH [ "$(nvram get ssh_en)" = 0 ] && nvram set ssh_en=1 && nvram commit [ "`uci -c /usr/share/xiaoqiang get xiaoqiang_version.version.CHANNEL`" != 'stable' ] && { uci -c /usr/share/xiaoqiang set xiaoqiang_version.version.CHANNEL='stable' uci -c /usr/share/xiaoqiang commit xiaoqiang_version.version } [ -z "$(pidof dropbear)" -o -z "$(netstat -ntul | grep :22)" ] && { sed -i 's/channel=.*/channel="debug"/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear /etc/init.d/dropbear restart [ -n "$mi_autoSSH_pwd" ] && echo -e "$mi_autoSSH_pwd\n$mi_autoSSH_pwd" | passwd root } #备份还原SSH秘钥 [ -f $clashdir/dropbear_rsa_host_key ] && ln -sf $clashdir/dropbear_rsa_host_key /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key [ -f $clashdir/authorized_keys ] && ln -sf $clashdir/authorized_keys /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys } host_lan(){ [ -n "$(echo $host | grep -oE "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" )" ] && host_lan="$(echo $host | grep -oE "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}")0/24" } #配置文件相关 getyaml(){ [ -z "$rule_link" ] && rule_link=1 [ -z "$server_link" ] && server_link=1 #前后端订阅服务器地址索引,可在此处添加! Server=`sed -n ""$server_link"p"</dev/null;then echo ----------------------------------------------- logger "已经停止对旧格式配置文件的支持!!!" 31 echo -e "请使用新格式或者使用【在线生成配置文件】功能!" echo ----------------------------------------------- exit 1 fi #检测不支持的加密协议 if cat $yamlnew | grep 'cipher: chacha20,' >/dev/null;then echo ----------------------------------------------- logger "已停止支持chacha20加密,请更换更安全的节点加密协议!" 31 echo ----------------------------------------------- exit 1 fi #检测并去除无效节点组 [ -n "$url_type" ] && ckcmd xargs && { cat $yamlnew | grep -A 8 "\- name:" | xargs | sed 's/- name: /\n/g' | sed 's/ type: .*proxies: /#/g' | sed 's/ rules:.*//g' | sed 's/- //g' | grep -E '#DIRECT $' | awk -F '#' '{print $1}' > /tmp/clash_proxies_$USER while read line ;do sed -i "/- $line/d" $yamlnew sed -i "/- name: $line/,/- DIRECT/d" $yamlnew done < /tmp/clash_proxies_$USER rm -rf /tmp/clash_proxies_$USER } #使用核心内置test功能检测 if [ -x $bindir/clash ];then $bindir/clash -t -d $bindir -f $yamlnew >/dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ];then logger "配置文件加载失败!请查看报错信息!" 31 $bindir/clash -t -d $bindir -f $yamlnew echo "$($bindir/clash -t -d $bindir -f $yamlnew)" >> $clashdir/log exit 1 fi fi #如果不同则备份并替换文件 if [ -f $yaml ];then compare $yamlnew $yaml [ "$?" = 0 ] || mv -f $yaml $yaml.bak && mv -f $yamlnew $yaml else mv -f $yamlnew $yaml fi echo -e "\033[32m已成功获取配置文件!\033[0m" fi } modify_yaml(){ ##########需要变更的配置########### [ -z "$dns_nameserver" ] && dns_nameserver=',' [ -z "$dns_fallback" ] && dns_fallback=',' [ -z "$skip_cert" ] && skip_cert=已开启 #默认fake-ip过滤列表 fake_ft_df='"*.lan", "time.windows.com", "time.nist.gov", "time.apple.com", "time.asia.apple.com", "*.ntp.org.cn", "*.openwrt.pool.ntp.org", "time1.cloud.tencent.com", "time.ustc.edu.cn", "pool.ntp.org", "ntp.ubuntu.com", "ntp.aliyun.com", "ntp1.aliyun.com", "ntp2.aliyun.com", "ntp3.aliyun.com", "ntp4.aliyun.com", "ntp5.aliyun.com", "ntp6.aliyun.com", "ntp7.aliyun.com", "time1.aliyun.com", "time2.aliyun.com", "time3.aliyun.com", "time4.aliyun.com", "time5.aliyun.com", "time6.aliyun.com", "time7.aliyun.com", "*.time.edu.cn", "time1.apple.com", "time2.apple.com", "time3.apple.com", "time4.apple.com", "time5.apple.com", "time6.apple.com", "time7.apple.com", "time1.google.com", "time2.google.com", "time3.google.com", "time4.google.com", "music.163.com", "*.music.163.com", "*.126.net", "musicapi.taihe.com", "music.taihe.com", "songsearch.kugou.com", "trackercdn.kugou.com", "*.kuwo.cn", "api-jooxtt.sanook.com", "api.joox.com", "joox.com", "y.qq.com", "*.y.qq.com", "streamoc.music.tc.qq.com", "mobileoc.music.tc.qq.com", "isure.stream.qqmusic.qq.com", "dl.stream.qqmusic.qq.com", "aqqmusic.tc.qq.com", "amobile.music.tc.qq.com", "*.xiami.com", "*.music.migu.cn", "music.migu.cn", "*.msftconnecttest.com", "*.msftncsi.com", "localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com", "*.*.*.srv.nintendo.net", "*.*.stun.playstation.net", "xbox.*.*.microsoft.com", "*.*.xboxlive.com", "proxy.golang.org","*.sgcc.com.cn","*.alicdn.com","*.aliyuncs.com"' lan='allow-lan: true' log='log-level: info' [ "$ipv6_support" = "已开启" ] && ipv6='ipv6: true' || ipv6='ipv6: false' [ "$ipv6_dns" = "已开启" ] && dns_v6='ipv6: true' || dns_v6='ipv6: false' external="external-controller:$db_port" [ -d $clashdir/ui ] && db_ui=ui if [ "$redir_mod" = "混合模式" -o "$redir_mod" = "Tun模式" ];then [ "$clashcore" = 'clash.meta' ] && tun_meta=', device: utun, auto-route: false' tun="tun: {enable: true, stack: system$tun_meta}" else tun='tun: {enable: false}' fi exper='experimental: {ignore-resolve-fail: true, interface-name: en0}' #Meta内核专属配置 [ "$clashcore" = 'clash.meta' ] && { find_process='find-process-mode: "off"' } #dns配置 [ -z "$(cat $clashdir/user.yaml 2>/dev/null | grep '^dns:')" ] && { [ "$clashcore" = 'clash.meta' ] && dns_default_meta=',,' dns_default=",$dns_default_meta" if [ -f $clashdir/fake_ip_filter ];then while read line;do fake_ft_ad=$fake_ft_ad,\"$line\" done < $clashdir/fake_ip_filter fi if [ "$dns_mod" = "fake-ip" ];then dns='dns: {enable: true, '$dns_v6', listen:'$dns_port', use-hosts: true, fake-ip-range:, enhanced-mode: fake-ip, fake-ip-filter: ['${fake_ft_df}${fake_ft_ad}'], default-nameserver: ['$dns_default',], nameserver: ['$dns_nameserver',], fallback: ['$dns_fallback'], fallback-filter: {geoip: true}}' else dns='dns: {enable: true, '$dns_v6', listen:'$dns_port', use-hosts: true, enhanced-mode: redir-host, default-nameserver: ['$dns_default',], nameserver: ['$dns_nameserver$dns_local'], fallback: ['$dns_fallback'], fallback-filter: {geoip: true}}' fi } #域名嗅探配置 [ "$sniffer" = "已启用" ] && [ "$clashcore" = "clash.meta" ] && sniffer_set="sniffer: {enable: true, sniffing: [tls, http]}" [ "$clashcore" = "clashpre" ] && [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" ] && exper="experimental: {ignore-resolve-fail: true, interface-name: en0, sniff-tls-sni: true}" #设置目录 yaml=$clashdir/config.yaml tmpdir=/tmp/clash_$USER #预读取变量 mode=$(grep "^mode" $yaml | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') [ -z "$mode" ] && mode='Rule' #分割配置文件 mkdir -p $tmpdir > /dev/null yaml_p=$(grep -n "^prox" $yaml | head -1 | cut -d ":" -f 1) #获取节点起始行号 yaml_r=$(grep -n "^rules:" $yaml | head -1 | cut -d ":" -f 1) #获取规则起始行号 if [ "$yaml_p" -lt "$yaml_r" ];then sed -n "${yaml_p},${yaml_r}p" $yaml > $tmpdir/proxy.yaml cat $yaml | sed -n "${yaml_r},\$p" | sed '1d' | sed 's/^ *-/ -/g' > $tmpdir/rule.yaml #切割rule并对齐 else cat $yaml | sed -n "${yaml_r},${yaml_p}p" | sed '1d' | sed '$d' | sed 's/^ *-/ -/g' > $tmpdir/rule.yaml #切割rule并对齐 sed -n "${yaml_p},\$p" $yaml > $tmpdir/proxy.yaml sed -n "${yaml_r}p" $yaml >> $tmpdir/proxy.yaml #将rule字段附在末尾 fi #跳过本地tls证书验证 [ "$skip_cert" = "已开启" ] && sed -i 's/skip-cert-verify: false/skip-cert-verify: true/' $tmpdir/proxy.yaml #节点绕过功能支持 sed -i "/#节点绕过/d" $tmpdir/rule.yaml [ "$proxies_bypass" = "已启用" ] && { cat /tmp/clash_$USER/proxy.yaml | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed 's/^/\ -\ IP-CIDR,/g' | sed 's|$|/32,DIRECT #节点绕过|g' >> $tmpdir/proxies_bypass cat /tmp/clash_$USER/proxy.yaml | grep -vE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -oE '[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+\.?'| awk '!a[$0]++' | sed 's/^/\ -\ DOMAIN,/g' | sed 's/$/,DIRECT #节点绕过/g' >> $tmpdir/proxies_bypass cat $tmpdir/rule.yaml >> $tmpdir/proxies_bypass mv -f $tmpdir/proxies_bypass $tmpdir/rule.yaml } #插入自定义规则 sed -i "/#自定义规则/d" $tmpdir/rule.yaml [ -f $clashdir/rules.yaml ] && { cat $clashdir/rules.yaml | sed 's/^ *-/ -/g' | sed "/^#/d" | sed '$a\' | sed 's/$/ #自定义规则/g' > $tmpdir/rules.yaml cat $tmpdir/rule.yaml >> $tmpdir/rules.yaml mv -f $tmpdir/rules.yaml $tmpdir/rule.yaml } #添加配置 ################################### cat > $tmpdir/set.yaml </dev/null)" ];then #NTP劫持 cat >> $tmpdir/hosts.yaml <> $tmpdir/hosts.yaml done < /etc/hosts fi #合并文件 [ -f $clashdir/user.yaml ] && yaml_user=$clashdir/user.yaml [ -f $tmpdir/hosts.yaml ] && yaml_hosts=$tmpdir/hosts.yaml [ -f $tmpdir/proxy.yaml ] && yaml_proxy=$tmpdir/proxy.yaml [ -f $tmpdir/rule.yaml ] && yaml_rule=$tmpdir/rule.yaml cut -c 1- $tmpdir/set.yaml $yaml_hosts $yaml_user $yaml_proxy $yaml_rule > $tmpdir/config.yaml #插入自定义代理 sed -i "/#自定义代理/d" $tmpdir/config.yaml space=$(sed -n '/^proxies:/{n;p}' $tmpdir/config.yaml | grep -oE '^ *') #获取空格数 if [ -f $clashdir/proxies.yaml ];then sed -i '/^$/d' $clashdir/proxies.yaml && echo >> $clashdir/proxies.yaml #处理换行 while read line;do [ -z "$(echo "$line" | grep '^proxies:')" ] && \ [ -z "$(echo "$line" | grep '#')" ] && \ [ -n "$(echo "$line" | grep '\- ')" ] && \ line=$(echo "$line" | sed 's#/#\\/#') && \ sed -i "/^proxies:/a\\$space$line #自定义代理" $tmpdir/config.yaml done < $clashdir/proxies.yaml fi #插入自定义策略组 sed -i "/#自定义策略组/d" $tmpdir/config.yaml space=$(sed -n '/^proxy-groups:/{n;p}' $tmpdir/config.yaml | grep -oE '^ *') #获取原始配置空格数 if [ -f $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml ];then c_space=$(sed -n '/^proxy-groups:/{n;p}' $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml | grep -oE '^ *') #获取自定义配置空格数 [ -n "$c_space" ] && sed -i "s/$c_space/$space/g" $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml && echo >> $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml #处理缩进空格数 sed -i '/^$/d' $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml && echo >> $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml #处理换行 cat $clashdir/proxy-groups.yaml | awk '{array[NR]=$0} END { for(i=NR;i>0;i--){print array[i];} }' | while IFS= read line;do [ -z "$(echo "$line" | grep '^proxy-groups:')" ] && \ [ -n "${line// /}" ] && \ [ -z "$(echo "$line" | grep '#')" ] && \ line=$(echo "$line" | sed 's#/#\\/#') && \ sed -i "/^proxy-groups:/a\\$line #自定义策略组" $tmpdir/config.yaml done fi #如果没有使用小闪存模式 if [ "$tmpdir" != "$bindir" ];then cmp -s $tmpdir/config.yaml $yaml >/dev/null 2>&1 [ "$?" != 0 ] && mv -f $tmpdir/config.yaml $yaml || rm -f $tmpdir/config.yaml fi rm -f $tmpdir/set.yaml rm -f $tmpdir/proxy.yaml rm -f $tmpdir/hosts.yaml rm -f $tmpdir/rule.yaml } #设置路由规则 cn_ip_route(){ [ ! -f $bindir/cn_ip.txt ] && { if [ -f $clashdir/cn_ip.txt ];then mv $clashdir/cn_ip.txt $bindir/cn_ip.txt else logger "未找到cn_ip列表,正在下载!" 33 $0 webget $bindir/cn_ip.txt "$update_url/bin/china_ip_list.txt" [ "$?" = "1" ] && rm -rf $bindir/cn_ip.txt && logger "列表下载失败!" 31 fi } [ -f $bindir/cn_ip.txt -a -z "$(echo $redir_mod|grep 'Nft')" ] && { echo "create cn_ip hash:net family inet hashsize 1024 maxelem 65536" > /tmp/cn_$USER.ipset awk '!/^$/&&!/^#/{printf("add cn_ip %s'" "'\n",$0)}' $bindir/cn_ip.txt >> /tmp/cn_$USER.ipset ipset -! flush cn_ip 2>/dev/null ipset -! restore < /tmp/cn_$USER.ipset rm -rf cn_$USER.ipset } } cn_ipv6_route(){ [ ! -f $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt ] && { if [ -f $clashdir/cn_ipv6.txt ];then mv $clashdir/cn_ipv6.txt $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt else logger "未找到cn_ipv6列表,正在下载!" 33 $0 webget $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt "$update_url/bin/china_ipv6_list.txt" [ "$?" = "1" ] && rm -rf $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt && logger "列表下载失败!" 31 fi } [ -f $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt -a -z "$(echo $redir_mod|grep 'Nft')" ] && { #ipv6 echo "create cn_ip6 hash:net family inet6 hashsize 1024 maxelem 65536" > /tmp/cn6_$USER.ipset awk '!/^$/&&!/^#/{printf("add cn_ip6 %s'" "'\n",$0)}' $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt >> /tmp/cn6_$USER.ipset ipset -! flush cn_ip6 2>/dev/null ipset -! restore < /tmp/cn6_$USER.ipset rm -rf cn6_$USER.ipset } } start_redir(){ #获取局域网host地址 host_lan #流量过滤规则 iptables -t nat -N clash iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash -d -j RETURN [ -n "$host_lan" ] && iptables -t nat -A clash -d $host_lan -j RETURN #绕过CN_IP [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && iptables -t nat -A clash -m set --match-set cn_ip dst -j RETURN 2>/dev/null [ "$dns_mod" = "fake-ip" ] && iptables -t nat -A clash -s -j RETURN if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t nat -A clash -p tcp -m mac --mac-source $mac -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t nat -A clash -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done iptables -t nat -A clash -p tcp -s -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port iptables -t nat -A clash -p tcp -s -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port [ -n "$host_lan" ] && iptables -t nat -A clash -p tcp -s $host_lan -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port fi #将PREROUTING链指向clash链 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp $ports -j clash #设置ipv6转发 if [ "$ipv6_redir" = "已开启" -a -n "$(lsmod | grep 'ip6table_nat')" ];then ip6tables -t nat -N clashv6 ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -d ::1/128 -j RETURN ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -d fc00::/7 -j RETURN ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -d fe80::/10 -j RETURN [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ipv6_route" = "已开启" ] && ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -m set --match-set cn_ip6 dst -j RETURN 2>/dev/null if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -p tcp $ports -m mac --mac-source $mac -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done for ip in $ipv6_wan ;do ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -p tcp -s $ip -j RETURN #屏蔽本机ipv6地址 done ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6 -p tcp $ports -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port fi ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -j clashv6 fi return 0 } start_ipt_dns(){ #屏蔽OpenWrt内置53端口转发 [ "$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dns_redirect 2>/dev/null)" = 1 ] && { uci del dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dns_redirect uci commit dhcp.@dnsmasq[0] } #设置dns转发 iptables -t nat -N clash_dns if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t nat -A clash_dns -p udp -m mac --mac-source $mac -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t nat -A clash_dns -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done iptables -t nat -A clash_dns -p udp -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port fi iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j clash_dns #ipv6DNS if [ -n "$(lsmod | grep 'ip6table_nat')" ];then ip6tables -t nat -N clashv6_dns > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6_dns -p udp -m mac --mac-source $mac -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6_dns -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done ip6tables -t nat -A clashv6_dns -p udp -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port fi ip6tables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j clashv6_dns else ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-IPV6_DNS-REJECT" -j REJECT 2>/dev/null fi return 0 } start_tproxy(){ modprobe xt_TPROXY &>/dev/null && { #获取局域网host地址 host_lan ip rule add fwmark 1 table 100 ip route add local default dev lo table 100 iptables -t mangle -N clash iptables -t mangle -A clash -p udp --dport 53 -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN [ -n "$host_lan" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -d $host_lan -j RETURN [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -m set --match-set cn_ip dst -j RETURN 2>/dev/null [ "$dns_mod" = "fake-ip" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -s -j RETURN tproxy_set(){ if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t mangle -A clash -p $1 -m mac --mac-source $mac -j TPROXY --on-port $tproxy_port --tproxy-mark 1 done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t mangle -A clash -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done iptables -t mangle -A clash -p $1 -s -j TPROXY --on-port $tproxy_port --tproxy-mark 1 iptables -t mangle -A clash -p $1 -s -j TPROXY --on-port $tproxy_port --tproxy-mark 1 [ -n "$host_lan" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -p $1 -s $host_lan -j TPROXY --on-port $tproxy_port --tproxy-mark 1 fi iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p $1 $ports -j clash } [ "$1" = "all" ] && tproxy_set tcp tproxy_set udp #屏蔽QUIC [ "$quic_rj" = 已启用 ] && { [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && set_cn_ip='-m set ! --match-set cn_ip dst' iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip -j REJECT >/dev/null 2>&1 } #设置ipv6转发 [ "$ipv6_redir" = "已开启" ] && { ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 table 101 ip -6 route add local ::/0 dev lo table 101 ip6tables -t mangle -N clashv6 ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -p udp --dport 53 -j RETURN ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -d ::1/128 -j RETURN ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -d fc00::/7 -j RETURN ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -d fe80::/10 -j RETURN [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ipv6_route" = "已开启" ] && ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -m set --match-set cn_ip6 dst -j RETURN 2>/dev/null tproxy_set6(){ if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -p $1 -m mac --mac-source $mac -j TPROXY --on-port $tproxy_port --tproxy-mark 1 done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done for ip in $ipv6_wan ;do ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -p $1 -s $ip -j RETURN #屏蔽本机ipv6地址 done ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -p $1 -j TPROXY --on-port $tproxy_port --tproxy-mark 1 fi ip6tables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p $1 $ports -j clashv6 } [ "$1" = "all" ] && tproxy_set6 tcp tproxy_set6 udp [ "$quic_rj" = 已启用 ] && { ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip -j REJECT 2>/dev/null } } } } start_output(){ #流量过滤 iptables -t nat -N clash_out iptables -t nat -A clash_out -m owner --gid-owner 7890 -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_out -d -j RETURN [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && \ iptables -t nat -A clash_out -m set --match-set cn_ip dst -j RETURN >/dev/null 2>&1 #绕过大陆IP iptables -t nat -A clash_out -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j clash_out #设置dns转发 [ "$dns_no" != "已禁用" ] && { iptables -t nat -N clash_dns_out iptables -t nat -A clash_dns_out -m owner --gid-owner 7890 -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_dns_out -p udp -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j clash_dns_out } #Docker转发 ckcmd docker && { iptables -t nat -N clash_docker iptables -t nat -A clash_docker -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_docker -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_docker -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_docker -d -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A clash_docker -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports $redir_port iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s -j clash_docker [ "$dns_no" != "已禁用" ] && iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -s -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port } } start_tun(){ modprobe tun &> /dev/null && { #允许流量 iptables -I FORWARD -o utun -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -s -o utun -j RETURN #ip6tables -I FORWARD -o utun -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 #屏蔽QUIC if [ "$quic_rj" = 已启用 ];then [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && set_cn_ip='-m set ! --match-set cn_ip dst' iptables -I FORWARD -p udp --dport 443 -o utun -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip -j REJECT >/dev/null 2>&1 #ip6tables -I FORWARD -p udp --dport 443 -o utun -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" -j REJECT >/dev/null 2>&1 fi modprobe xt_mark &> /dev/null && { i=1 while [ -z "$(ip route list |grep utun)" -a "$i" -le 9 ];do sleep 1 i=$((i+1)) done ip route add default dev utun table 100 ip rule add fwmark 1 table 100 #获取局域网host地址 host_lan iptables -t mangle -N clash iptables -t mangle -F clash iptables -t mangle -A clash -p udp --dport 53 -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -d -j RETURN iptables -t mangle -A clash -s -j RETURN [ -n "$host_lan" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -d $host_lan -j RETURN [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -m set --match-set cn_ip dst -j RETURN 2>/dev/null if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t mangle -A clash -m mac --mac-source $mac -j MARK --set-mark 1 done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do iptables -t mangle -A clash -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done iptables -t mangle -A clash -s -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -t mangle -A clash -s -j MARK --set-mark 1 [ -n "$host_lan" ] && iptables -t mangle -A clash -s $host_lan -j MARK --set-mark 1 fi iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p udp $ports -j clash [ "$1" = "all" ] && iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp $ports -j clash #设置ipv6转发 [ "$ipv6_redir" = "已开启" -a "$clashcore" = "clash.meta" ] && { ip -6 route add default dev utun table 101 ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 table 101 ip6tables -t mangle -N clashv6 ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -p udp --dport 53 -j RETURN ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -d ::1/128 -j RETURN ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -d fc00::/7 -j RETURN ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -d fe80::/10 -j RETURN [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ipv6_route" = "已开启" ] && ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -m set --match-set cn_ip6 dst -j RETURN 2>/dev/null if [ "$macfilter_type" = "白名单" -a -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ];then #mac白名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -m mac --mac-source $mac -j MARK --set-mark 1 done else #mac黑名单 for mac in $(cat $clashdir/mac); do ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN done for ip in $ipv6_wan ;do ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -s $ip -j RETURN #屏蔽本机ipv6地址 done ip6tables -t mangle -A clashv6 -j MARK --set-mark 1 fi ip6tables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p udp $ports -j clashv6 [ "$1" = "all" ] && ip6tables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp $ports -j clashv6 } } & } } start_nft(){ [ "$common_ports" = "已开启" ] && PORTS=$(echo $multiport | sed 's/,/, /g') RESERVED_IP="{,,,,,,,,}" #设置策略路由 ip rule add fwmark 1 table 100 2> /dev/null ip route add local default dev lo table 100 2> /dev/null [ "$redir_mod" = "Nft基础" ] && \ nft add chain inet shellclash prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 \; } [ "$redir_mod" = "Nft混合" ] && { modprobe nft_tproxy &> /dev/null nft add chain inet shellclash prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority 0 \; } } [ -n "$(echo $redir_mod|grep Nft)" ] && { #过滤局域网设备 [ -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ] && { MAC=$(awk '{printf "%s, ",$1}' $clashdir/mac) [ "$macfilter_type" = "黑名单" ] && \ nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ether saddr {${MAC}} return || \ nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ether saddr != {${MAC}} return } #过滤保留地址 nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ip daddr {${RESERVED_IP}} return #过滤CN-IP [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" -a -f $bindir/cn_ip.txt ] && { CN_IP=$(awk '{printf "%s, ",$1}' $bindir/cn_ip.txt) [ -n "$CN_IP" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ip daddr {${CN_IP}} return } #过滤常用端口 [ -n "$PORTS" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting tcp dport != {${PORTS}} return #ipv6支持 if [ "$ipv6_redir" = "已开启" ];then RESERVED_IP6="{::1/128, fc00::/7, fe80::/10}" ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 table 101 2> /dev/null ip -6 route add local ::/0 dev lo table 101 2> /dev/null nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ip6 daddr {${RESERVED_IP6}} return [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ipv6_route" = "已开启" -a -f $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt ] && { CN_IP6=$(awk '{printf "%s, ",$1}' $bindir/cn_ipv6.txt) [ -n "$CN_IP6" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ip6 daddr {${CN_IP6}} return } [ -n "$ipv6_wan" ] && { LOCAL_IP6="{$(echo $ipv6_wan | sed s/\ /\,\ /g)}" nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting ip6 daddr {${LOCAL_IP6}} return #屏蔽本机ipv6地址 } else nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting meta nfproto ipv6 return fi #透明路由 [ "$redir_mod" = "Nft基础" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting meta l4proto tcp mark set 1 redirect to ${redir_port} [ "$redir_mod" = "Nft混合" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash prerouting meta l4proto {tcp, udp} mark set 1 tproxy to :${tproxy_port} } #屏蔽QUIC [ "$quic_rj" = 已启用 ] && { nft add chain inet shellclash input { type filter hook input priority 0 \; } [ -n "$CN_IP" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash input ip daddr {${CN_IP}} return [ -n "$CN_IP6" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash input ip6 daddr {${CN_IP6}} return nft add rule inet shellclash input udp dport 443 reject comment 'ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT' } #代理本机(仅TCP) [ "$local_proxy" = "已开启" ] && [ "$local_type" = "nftables增强模式" ] && { #dns nft add chain inet shellclash dns_out { type nat hook output priority -100 \; } nft add rule inet shellclash dns_out meta skgid 7890 return && \ nft add rule inet shellclash dns_out udp dport 53 redirect to ${dns_port} #output nft add chain inet shellclash output { type nat hook output priority -100 \; } nft add rule inet shellclash output meta skgid 7890 return && { [ -n "$PORTS" ] && nft add rule inet shellclash output tcp dport != {${PORTS}} return nft add rule inet shellclash output ip daddr {${RESERVED_IP}} return nft add rule inet shellclash output meta l4proto tcp mark set 1 redirect to ${redir_port} } #Docker type docker &>/dev/null && { ip rule add fwmark 1 table 102 2> /dev/null ip route add local dev lo table 102 2> /dev/null } } } start_nft_dns(){ nft add chain inet shellclash dns { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 \; } #过滤局域网设备 [ -n "$(cat $clashdir/mac)" ] && { MAC=$(awk '{printf "%s, ",$1}' $clashdir/mac) [ "$macfilter_type" = "黑名单" ] && \ nft add rule inet shellclash dns ether saddr {${MAC}} return || \ nft add rule inet shellclash dns ether saddr != {${MAC}} return } nft add rule inet shellclash dns udp dport 53 redirect to ${dns_port} nft add rule inet shellclash dns tcp dport 53 redirect to ${dns_port} } start_wan(){ [ "$mix_port" = "7890" -o -z "$authentication" ] && { iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j REJECT ckcmd ip6tables && ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j REJECT 2> /dev/null } if [ "$public_support" = "已开启" ];then [ "$mix_port" != "7890" -a -n "$authentication" ] && { iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT ckcmd ip6tables && ip6tables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null } iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $db_port -j ACCEPT ckcmd ip6tables && ip6tables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $db_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null fi } stop_firewall(){ #重置iptables相关规则 ckcmd iptables && { #redir iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp $ports -j clash 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -F clash 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -X clash 2> /dev/null #dns iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j clash_dns 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -F clash_dns 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -X clash_dns 2> /dev/null #tun iptables -D FORWARD -o utun -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -s -o utun -j RETURN 2> /dev/null #屏蔽QUIC [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && set_cn_ip='-m set ! --match-set cn_ip dst' iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip -j REJECT 2> /dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -p udp --dport 443 -o utun -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip -j REJECT 2> /dev/null #本机代理 iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp -j clash_out 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -F clash_out 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -X clash_out 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j clash_dns_out 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -F clash_dns_out 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -X clash_dns_out 2> /dev/null #docker iptables -t nat -F clash_docker 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -X clash_docker 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -s -j clash_docker 2> /dev/null iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -s -j REDIRECT --to $dns_port 2> /dev/null #TPROXY&tun iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp $ports -j clash 2> /dev/null iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p udp $ports -j clash 2> /dev/null iptables -t mangle -F clash 2> /dev/null iptables -t mangle -X clash 2> /dev/null #公网访问 iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j REJECT 2> /dev/null iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $db_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null } #重置ipv6规则 ckcmd ip6tables && { #redir ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -j clashv6 2> /dev/null ip6tables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-IPV6_DNS-REJECT" -j REJECT 2> /dev/null ip6tables -t nat -F clashv6 2> /dev/null ip6tables -t nat -X clashv6 2> /dev/null #dns ip6tables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j clashv6_dns 2>/dev/null ip6tables -t nat -F clashv6_dns 2> /dev/null ip6tables -t nat -X clashv6_dns 2> /dev/null #tun ip6tables -D FORWARD -o utun -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null ip6tables -I FORWARD -p udp --dport 443 -o utun -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" -j REJECT >/dev/null 2>&1 #屏蔽QUIC [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" -a "$cn_ipv6_route" = "已开启" ] && set_cn_ip6='-m set ! --match-set cn_ip6 dst' iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip6 -j REJECT 2> /dev/null iptables -D FORWARD -p udp --dport 443 -o utun -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip6 -j REJECT 2> /dev/null #公网访问 ip6tables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j REJECT 2> /dev/null ip6tables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $mix_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null ip6tables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport $db_port -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null #tproxy&tun ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p tcp $ports -j clashv6 2> /dev/null ip6tables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -p udp $ports -j clashv6 2> /dev/null ip6tables -t mangle -F clashv6 2> /dev/null ip6tables -t mangle -X clashv6 2> /dev/null ip6tables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 443 -m comment --comment "ShellClash-QUIC-REJECT" $set_cn_ip -j REJECT 2> /dev/null } #清理ipset规则 ipset destroy cn_ip >/dev/null 2>&1 ipset destroy cn_ip6 >/dev/null 2>&1 #移除dnsmasq转发规则 [ "$dns_redir" = "已开启" ] && { uci del dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server >/dev/null 2>&1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv=0 2>/dev/null uci commit dhcp >/dev/null 2>&1 /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1 } #清理路由规则 ip rule del fwmark 1 table 100 2> /dev/null ip route del local default dev lo table 100 2> /dev/null ip -6 rule del fwmark 1 table 101 2> /dev/null ip -6 route del local ::/0 dev lo table 101 2> /dev/null ip rule del fwmark 1 table 102 2> /dev/null ip route del local dev lo table 102 2> /dev/null #重置nftables相关规则 ckcmd nft && { nft flush table inet shellclash >/dev/null 2>&1 nft delete table inet shellclash >/dev/null 2>&1 } } #面板配置保存相关 web_save(){ get_save(){ if curl --version > /dev/null 2>&1;then curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${secret}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$1" elif [ -n "$(wget --help 2>&1|grep '\-\-method')" ];then wget -q --header="Authorization: Bearer ${secret}" --header="Content-Type:application/json" -O - "$1" fi } #使用get_save获取面板节点设置 get_save http://localhost:${db_port}/proxies | awk -F "{" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' | grep -E '^"all".*"Selector"' > /tmp/clash_web_check_$USER while read line ;do def=$(echo $line | awk -F "[[,]" '{print $2}') now=$(echo $line | grep -oE '"now".*",' | sed 's/"now"://g' | sed 's/"type":.*//g' | sed 's/,//g') [ "$def" != "$now" ] && echo $line | grep -oE '"name".*"now".*",' | sed 's/"name"://g' | sed 's/"now"://g' | sed 's/"type":.*//g' | sed 's/"//g' >> /tmp/clash_web_save_$USER done < /tmp/clash_web_check_$USER rm -rf /tmp/clash_web_check_$USER #对比文件,如果有变动且不为空则写入磁盘,否则清除缓存 if [ -s /tmp/clash_web_save_$USER ];then compare /tmp/clash_web_save_$USER $clashdir/web_save [ "$?" = 0 ] && rm -rf /tmp/clash_web_save_$USER || mv -f /tmp/clash_web_save_$USER $clashdir/web_save fi } web_restore(){ #设置循环检测clash面板端口 i=1 while [ -z "$test" -a "$i" -lt 60 ];do sleep 1 if curl --version > /dev/null 2>&1;then test=$(curl -s http://localhost:${db_port}) else test=$(wget -q -O - http://localhost:${db_port}) fi i=$((i+1)) done #发送数据 num=$(cat $clashdir/web_save | wc -l) i=1 while [ "$i" -le "$num" ];do group_name=$(awk -F ',' 'NR=="'${i}'" {print $1}' $clashdir/web_save | sed 's/ /%20/g') now_name=$(awk -F ',' 'NR=="'${i}'" {print $2}' $clashdir/web_save) put_save http://localhost:${db_port}/proxies/${group_name} "{\"name\":\"${now_name}\"}" i=$((i+1)) done } #启动相关 catpac(){ #获取本机host地址 [ -n "$host" ] && host_pac=$host [ -z "$host_pac" ] && host_pac=$(ubus call network.interface.lan status 2>&1 | grep \"address\" | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}';) [ -z "$host_pac" ] && host_pac=$(ip a 2>&1 | grep -w 'inet' | grep 'global' | grep -E ' 1(92|0|72)\.' | sed 's/.*inet.//g' | sed 's/\/[0-9][0-9].*$//g' | head -n 1) cat > /tmp/clash_pac </dev/null clashv=$($bindir/clash -v 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ linux.*//;s/.* //') if [ -z "$clashv" ];then rm -rf $bindir/clash logger "核心下载失败,请重新运行或更换安装源!" 31 exit 1 else setconfig clashcore $clashcore setconfig clashv $clashv fi fi fi [ ! -x $bindir/clash ] && chmod +x $bindir/clash #检测可执行权限 #检查数据库文件 if [ ! -f $bindir/Country.mmdb ];then if [ -f $clashdir/Country.mmdb ];then mv $clashdir/Country.mmdb $bindir/Country.mmdb else logger "未找到GeoIP数据库,正在下载!" 33 $0 webget $bindir/Country.mmdb $update_url/bin/cn_mini.mmdb [ "$?" = "1" ] && rm -rf $bindir/Country.mmdb && logger "数据库下载失败,已退出!" 31 && exit 1 Geo_v=$(date +"%Y%m%d") setconfig Geo_v $Geo_v fi fi #检查dashboard文件 if [ -f $clashdir/ui/index.html -a ! -f $bindir/ui/index.html ];then cp -rf $clashdir/ui $bindir fi #检查curl或wget支持 curl --version > /dev/null 2>&1 [ "$?" = 1 ] && wget --version > /dev/null 2>&1 [ "$?" = 1 ] && restore=true || restore=false #生成pac文件 catpac #预下载GeoSite数据库 if [ "$clashcore" = "clash.meta" ] && [ ! -f $bindir/GeoSite.dat ] && [ -n "$(cat $clashdir/config.yaml|grep -Ei 'geosite')" ];then [ -f $clashdir/geosite.dat ] && mv -f $clashdir/geosite.dat $clashdir/GeoSite.dat if [ -f $clashdir/GeoSite.dat ];then mv -f $clashdir/GeoSite.dat $bindir/GeoSite.dat else logger "未找到geosite数据库,正在下载!" 33 $0 webget $bindir/GeoSite.dat $update_url/bin/geosite.dat [ "$?" = "1" ] && rm -rf $bindir/GeoSite.dat && logger "数据库下载失败,已退出!" 31 && exit 1 fi fi #本机代理准备 if [ "$local_proxy" = "已开启" -a -n "$(echo $local_type | grep '增强模式')" ];then if [ -z "$(id shellclash 2>/dev/null | grep 'root')" ];then if ckcmd userdel useradd groupmod; then userdel shellclash 2>/dev/null useradd shellclash -u 7890 groupmod shellclash -g 7890 sed -Ei s/7890:7890/0:7890/g /etc/passwd else grep -qw shellclash /etc/passwd || echo "shellclash:x:0:7890:::" >> /etc/passwd fi fi if [ "$start_old" != "已开启" ];then [ -w /etc/systemd/system/clash.service ] && servdir=/etc/systemd/system/clash.service [ -w /usr/lib/systemd/system/clash.service ] && servdir=/usr/lib/systemd/system/clash.service if [ -w /etc/init.d/clash ]; then [ -z "$(grep 'procd_set_param user shellclash' /etc/init.d/clash)" ] && \ sed -i '/procd_close_instance/i\\t\tprocd_set_param user shellclash' /etc/init.d/clash elif [ -w "$servdir" ]; then setconfig ExecStart "/bin/su shellclash -c \"$bindir/clash -d $bindir\"" $servdir systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null fi fi fi } afstart(){ #读取配置文件 getconfig #延迟启动 [ ! -f /tmp/clash_start_time ] && [ -n "$start_delay" ] && [ "$start_delay" -gt 0 ] && { logger "clash将延迟$start_delay秒启动" 31 pushoff sleep $start_delay } $bindir/clash -t -d $bindir >/dev/null if [ "$?" = 0 ];then #设置DNS转发 start_dns(){ [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" ] && [ "$cn_ip_route" = "已开启" ] && cn_ip_route [ "$ipv6_redir" = "已开启" ] && [ "$dns_mod" = "redir_host" ] && [ "$cn_ipv6_route" = "已开启" ] && cn_ipv6_route if [ "$dns_no" != "已禁用" ];then if [ "$dns_redir" != "已开启" ];then [ -n "$(echo $redir_mod|grep Nft)" ] && start_nft_dns || start_ipt_dns else #openwrt使用dnsmasq转发 uci del dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server >/dev/null 2>&1 uci delete dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile 2>/dev/null uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].server=$dns_port > /dev/null 2>&1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv=1 2>/dev/null uci commit dhcp >/dev/null 2>&1 /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } #设置路由规则 [ "$ipv6_redir" = "已开启" ] && ipv6_wan=$(ip addr show|grep -A1 'inet6 [^f:]'|grep -oE 'inet6 ([a-f0-9:]+)/'|sed s#inet6\ ##g|sed s#/##g) [ "$redir_mod" = "Redir模式" ] && start_dns && start_redir [ "$redir_mod" = "混合模式" ] && start_dns && start_redir && start_tun udp [ "$redir_mod" = "Tproxy混合" ] && start_dns && start_redir && start_tproxy udp [ "$redir_mod" = "Tun模式" ] && start_dns && start_tun all [ "$redir_mod" = "Tproxy模式" ] && start_dns && start_tproxy all [ -n "$(echo $redir_mod|grep Nft)" ] && { nft add table inet shellclash 2> /dev/null #初始化nftables nft flush table inet shellclash 2> /dev/null start_dns start_nft } #设置本机代理 [ "$local_proxy" = "已开启" ] && [ "$local_type" = "环境变量" ] && $0 set_proxy $mix_port $db_port [ "$local_proxy" = "已开启" ] && [ "$local_type" = "iptables增强模式" ] && start_output [ "$local_proxy" = "已开启" ] && [ "$local_type" = "nftables增强模式" ] && [ "$redir_mod" = "纯净模式" ] && start_nft ckcmd iptables && start_wan #同步本机时间 ckcmd ntpd && ntpd -n -q -p #标记启动时间 mark_time #加载定时任务 [ -f $clashdir/cron ] && croncmd $clashdir/cron #启用面板配置自动保存 cronset '#每10分钟保存节点配置' "*/10 * * * * test -n \"\$(pidof clash)\" && $clashdir/start.sh web_save #每10分钟保存节点配置" [ -f $clashdir/web_save ] && web_restore & #后台还原面板配置 #自动开启SSH [ "$mi_autoSSH" = "已启用" ] && autoSSH 2>/dev/null & { sleep 30;logger Clash服务已启动!;} & else logger "Clash服务启动失败!请查看报错信息!" 31 $bindir/clash -t -d $bindir echo "$($bindir/clash -t -d $bindir)" >> $clashdir/log $0 stop exit 1 fi } start_old(){ #使用传统后台执行二进制文件的方式执行 if [ "$local_proxy" = "已开启" -a -n "$(echo $local_type | grep '增强模式')" ];then su shellclash -c "$bindir/clash -d $bindir >/dev/null" & else ckcmd nohup && nohup=nohup $nohup $bindir/clash -d $bindir >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi afstart $0 daemon } case "$1" in bfstart) bfstart ;; afstart) afstart ;; start) [ -n "$(pidof clash)" ] && $0 stop #禁止多实例 getconfig #检测必须文件并下载 bfstart stop_firewall #清理路由策略 #使用内置规则强行覆盖config配置文件 [ "$modify_yaml" != "已开启" ] && modify_yaml #使用不同方式启动clash服务 if [ "$start_old" = "已开启" ];then start_old elif [ -f /etc/rc.common ];then /etc/init.d/clash start elif [ "$USER" = "root" ];then systemctl start clash.service else start_old fi ;; stop) getconfig logger Clash服务即将关闭…… [ -n "$(pidof clash)" ] && [ "$restore" = false ] && web_save #保存面板配置 #删除守护进程&面板配置自动保存 cronset "clash保守模式守护进程" cronset "保存节点配置" cronset "流媒体预解析" #多种方式结束进程 if [ -f /etc/rc.common ];then /etc/init.d/clash stop >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$USER" = "root" ];then systemctl stop clash.service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi PID=$(pidof clash) && [ -n "$PID" ] && kill -9 $PID >/dev/null 2>&1 stop_firewall #清理路由策略 $0 unset_proxy #禁用本机代理 ;; restart) $0 stop $0 start ;; init) if [ -d "/etc/storage/clash" ];then clashdir=/etc/storage/clash i=1 while [ ! -w "/etc/profile" -a "$i" -lt 7 ];do sleep 5 && i=$((i+1)) done profile=/etc/profile sed -i '' $profile #将软链接转化为一般文件 elif [ -d "/jffs" ];then sleep 40 clashdir=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd) if [ -w /etc/profile ];then profile=/etc/profile else profile=$(cat /etc/profile | grep -oE '\-f.*jffs.*profile' | awk '{print $2}') fi else clashdir=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd) profile=/etc/profile fi sed -i "/alias clash/d" $profile sed -i "/export clashdir/d" $profile echo "alias clash=\"$clashdir/clash.sh\"" >> $profile echo "export clashdir=\"$clashdir\"" >> $profile [ -f $clashdir/.dis_startup ] && cronset "clash保守模式守护进程" || $0 start ;; getyaml) getconfig getyaml && \ logger ShellClash配置文件更新成功! ;; updateyaml) getconfig getyaml && \ modify_yaml && \ put_save http://localhost:${db_port}/configs "{\"path\":\"${clashdir}/config.yaml\"}" && \ logger ShellClash配置文件更新成功! ;; logger) logger $2 $3 ;; webget) #设置临时代理 if [ -n "$(pidof clash)" ];then getconfig [ -n "$authentication" ] && auth="$authentication@" export https_proxy="http://${auth}$mix_port" url=$(echo $3 | sed 's#https://.*/juewuy/ShellClash[@|/]#https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juewuy/ShellClash/#' | sed 's#https://gh.jwsc.eu.org/#https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juewuy/ShellClash/#') else url=$(echo $3 | sed 's#https://.*/juewuy/ShellClash/#https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/juewuy/ShellClash@#') fi #参数【$2】代表下载目录,【$3】代表在线地址 #参数【$4】代表输出显示,【$4】不启用重定向 #参数【$6】代表验证证书 if curl --version > /dev/null 2>&1;then [ "$4" = "echooff" ] && progress='-s' || progress='-#' [ "$5" = "rediroff" ] && redirect='' || redirect='-L' [ "$6" = "skipceroff" ] && certificate='' || certificate='-k' result=$(curl $agent -w %{http_code} --connect-timeout 3 $progress $redirect $certificate -o "$2" "$url") [ "$result" != "200" ] && export https_proxy="" && result=$(curl $agent -w %{http_code} --connect-timeout 3 $progress $redirect $certificate -o "$2" "$3") else if wget --version > /dev/null 2>&1;then [ "$4" = "echooff" ] && progress='-q' || progress='-q --show-progress' [ "$5" = "rediroff" ] && redirect='--max-redirect=0' || redirect='' [ "$6" = "skipceroff" ] && certificate='' || certificate='--no-check-certificate' timeout='--timeout=3 -t 2' fi [ "$4" = "echoon" ] && progress='' [ "$4" = "echooff" ] && progress='-q' wget -Y on $agent $progress $redirect $certificate $timeout -O "$2" "$url" if [ "$?" != "0" ];then wget -Y off $agent $progress $redirect $certificate $timeout -O "$2" "$3" [ "$?" = "0" ] && result="200" else result="200" fi fi [ "$result" = "200" ] && exit 0 || exit 1 ;; web_save) getconfig web_save ;; web_restore) getconfig web_restore ;; daemon) getconfig cronset '#clash保守模式守护进程' "*/1 * * * * test -z \"\$(pidof clash)\" && $clashdir/start.sh restart #clash保守模式守护进程" ;; cronset) cronset $2 $3 ;; set_proxy) getconfig if [ "$local_type" = "环境变量" ];then [ -w ~/.bashrc ] && profile=~/.bashrc [ -w /etc/profile ] && profile=/etc/profile echo 'export all_proxy='"$mix_port" >> $profile echo 'export ALL_PROXY=$all_proxy' >> $profile fi ;; unset_proxy) [ -w ~/.bashrc ] && profile=~/.bashrc [ -w /etc/profile ] && profile=/etc/profile sed -i '/all_proxy/'d $profile sed -i '/ALL_PROXY/'d $profile ;; esac exit 0