notify c6d883eccf Standard skills (#48)
* huatuo

* biyue

* gender of player

* let tablepile smaller

* card emotions

* remove getOtherPlayers

* guicai

* skill audio

* card audio

* death audio

* bgm

* damage sound

* local bgm

* add more skill audio

* android: dont link to quickcontrol2

* android: fix ifndef

* yield only when need

* modify cpp according to clazy

* reduce malloc times

* revert yield

* qingguo

* fix back to lobby

* use compact json in cpp

* notifySkillInvoke animation

* util: string2json

* losehp; tablepile fix

* judge result animation

* add scrollbar for logedit

* add lock on waitForReply

* fix: virtual jink has no effect

* tiandu

* fix: duplicated cards when related to equiparea

* ui: disable okcancel when replying

* ui: disable invaild card when responding

* game: skill & card use history

* game: more judge on vsskill's canUse

* luoyi

* login page i18n

* i18n for server error message

* tuxi

* expand equip area when needed

* add footnote to cards from pile

* ui: only filter CanUseCard when playing

* expand equip when responding

* prompt

* prompt for askforchoice

* guanxing

* fix guanxing

* tieqi

* liuli

* doc for trigger skill

* xiaoji

* lianying

* fanjian

* rende

* add skill's subclass

* TODO: add tmd skill functions for other cards

* paoxiao

* qicai

* guose

* yiji (WIP)
2023-01-29 18:11:41 +08:00

41 lines
2.9 KiB

---@alias CardsMoveInfo {ids: integer[], from: integer|null, to: integer|null, toArea: CardArea, moveReason: CardMoveReason, proposer: integer, skillName: string|null, moveVisible: boolean|null, specialName: string|null, specialVisible: boolean|null }
---@alias MoveInfo {cardId: integer, fromArea: CardArea}
---@alias CardsMoveStruct {moveInfo: MoveInfo[], from: integer|null, to: integer|null, toArea: CardArea, moveReason: CardMoveReason, proposer: integer|null, skillName: string|null, moveVisible: boolean|null, specialName: string|null, specialVisible: boolean|null, fromSpecialName: string|null }
---@alias HpChangedData { num: integer, reason: string, skillName: string }
---@alias HpLostData { num: integer, skillName: string }
---@alias DamageStruct { from: integer|null, to: integer, damage: integer, card: Card, damageType: DamageType, skillName: string }
---@alias RecoverStruct { who: integer, num: integer, recoverBy: integer|null, skillName: string|null }
---@alias DyingStruct { who: integer, damage: DamageStruct }
---@alias DeathStruct { who: integer, damage: DamageStruct }
---@alias CardUseStruct { from: integer, tos: TargetGroup, card: Card, toCard: Card|null, responseToEvent: CardUseStruct|null, nullifiedTargets: interger[]|null, extraUse: boolean|null, disresponsiveList: integer[]|null, unoffsetableList: integer[]|null, addtionalDamage: integer|null, customFrom: integer|null, cardsResponded: Card[]|null }
---@alias AimStruct { from: integer, card: Card, tos: AimGroup, to: integer, subTargets: integer[]|null, targetGroup: TargetGroup|null, nullifiedTargets: integer[]|null, firstTarget: boolean, additionalDamage: integer|null, disresponsive: boolean|null, unoffsetableList: boolean|null }
---@alias CardEffectEvent { from: integer, to: integer, subTargets: integer[]|null, tos: TargetGroup, card: Card, toCard: Card|null, responseToEvent: CardUseStruct|null, nullifiedTargets: interger[]|null, extraUse: boolean|null, disresponsiveList: integer[]|null, unoffsetableList: integer[]|null, addtionalDamage: integer|null, customFrom: integer|null, cardsResponded: Card[]|null, disresponsive: boolean|null, unoffsetable: boolean|null }
---@alias SkillEffectEvent { from: integer, tos: integer[], cards: integer[] }
---@alias JudgeStruct { who: ServerPlayer, card: Card, reason: string, pattern: string }
---@alias CardResponseEvent { from: integer, card: Card, responseToEvent: CardEffectEvent|null, skipDrop: boolean|null, customFrom: integer|null }
---@alias CardMoveReason integer
fk.ReasonJustMove = 1
fk.ReasonDraw = 2
fk.ReasonDiscard = 3
fk.ReasonGive = 4
fk.ReasonPut = 5
fk.ReasonPutIntoDiscardPile = 6
fk.ReasonPrey = 7
fk.ReasonExchange = 8
fk.ReasonUse = 9
fk.ReasonResonpse = 10
---@alias DamageType integer
fk.NormalDamage = 1
fk.ThunderDamage = 2
fk.FireDamage = 3
---@alias LogMessage {type: string, from: integer, to: integer[], card: integer[], arg: any, arg2: any, arg3: any}