mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 12:35:35 +08:00
* feat: add option to disable spliting when H264 Annex-B is detected * add wpf ui toggles * chore: remove public api check for flv * fix warning unboxing a possibly null value * fix cli tool help text * feat(wpf): add disable split on h264annexb option for toolbox
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281 lines
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import { ConfigEntry } from './types'
export const data: Array<ConfigEntry> = [
id: "RoomId",
name: "房间号",
type: "int",
configType: "roomOnly",
default: "",
webReadonly: true
id: "AutoRecord",
name: "自动录制",
type: "bool",
configType: "roomOnly",
default: ""
id: "RecordMode",
name: "录制模式",
type: "RecordMode",
configType: "room",
default: "RecordMode.Standard"
id: "CuttingMode",
name: "自动分段模式",
type: "CuttingMode",
configType: "room",
default: "CuttingMode.Disabled"
id: "CuttingNumber",
name: "自动分段数值",
type: "uint",
configType: "room",
default: 100
id: "CuttingByTitle",
name: "改标题后自动分段",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "RecordDanmaku",
name: "弹幕录制",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "RecordDanmakuRaw",
name: "弹幕录制-原始数据",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "RecordDanmakuSuperChat",
name: "弹幕录制-SuperChat",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: true
id: "RecordDanmakuGift",
name: "弹幕录制-礼物",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "RecordDanmakuGuard",
name: "弹幕录制-上船",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: true
id: "SaveStreamCover",
name: "保存直播封面",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "RecordingQuality",
name: "直播画质",
type: "string?",
configType: "room",
default: "10000",
id: "FileNameRecordTemplate",
name: "录制文件名模板",
type: "string?",
configType: "globalOnly",
default: '{{ roomId }}-{{ name }}/录制-{{ roomId }}-{{ "now" | time_zone: "Asia/Shanghai" | format_date: "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-fff" }}-{{ title }}.flv',
id: "FlvProcessorSplitOnScriptTag",
name: "FLV修复-检测到可能缺少数据时分段",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "FlvProcessorDisableSplitOnH264AnnexB",
name: "FLV修复-检测到 H264 Annex-B 时禁用修复分段",
type: "bool",
configType: "room",
default: false
id: "FlvWriteMetadata",
name: "是否在视频文件写入直播信息 metadata",
type: "bool",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: true
id: "TitleFilterPatterns",
name: "不录制的标题匹配正则",
type: "string?",
configType: "room",
default: ""
id: "WebHookUrls",
name: "WebhookV1",
type: "string?",
configType: "globalOnly",
default: "",
id: "WebHookUrlsV2",
name: "WebhookV2",
type: "string?",
configType: "globalOnly",
default: "",
id: "WpfShowTitleAndArea",
name: "桌面版在界面显示标题和分区",
type: "bool",
configType: "globalOnly",
default: true
id: "WpfNotifyStreamStart",
name: "桌面版开播时弹出系统通知",
type: "bool",
configType: "globalOnly",
default: false
id: "Cookie",
name: "Cookie",
type: "string?",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: "",
id: "LiveApiHost",
name: "API Host",
type: "string?",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: "https://api.live.bilibili.com",
id: "TimingCheckInterval",
name: "主动检查时间间隔 秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 10 * 60,
id: "TimingApiTimeout",
name: "请求mikufansAPI超时时间 毫秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 10 * 1000,
id: "TimingStreamRetry",
name: "录制断开重连时间间隔 毫秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 6 * 1000,
id: "TimingStreamRetryNoQn",
name: "录制无指定画质重连时间间隔 秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 90,
id: "TimingStreamConnect",
name: "连接直播服务器超时时间 毫秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 5 * 1000,
id: "TimingDanmakuRetry",
name: "弹幕服务器重连时间间隔 毫秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 9 * 1000,
id: "TimingWatchdogTimeout",
name: "最大未收到直播数据时间 毫秒",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 10 * 1000,
id: "RecordDanmakuFlushInterval",
name: "触发刷新弹幕写入缓冲的个数",
type: "uint",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: 20,
id: "DanmakuTransport",
name: "使用的弹幕服务器传输协议",
type: "DanmakuTransportMode",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: "DanmakuTransportMode.Wss",
id: "DanmakuAuthenticateWithStreamerUid",
name: "使用直播间主播的uid进行弹幕服务器认证",
type: "bool",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true,
default: false,
id: "NetworkTransportUseSystemProxy",
name: "是否使用系统代理",
type: "bool",
default: false,
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true
id: "NetworkTransportAllowedAddressFamily",
name: "允许使用的 IP 网络类型",
type: "AllowedAddressFamily",
default: "AllowedAddressFamily.Any",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true
id: "UserScript",
name: "自定义脚本",
type: "string?",
default: "",
configType: "globalOnly",
advancedConfig: true