using System; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.NamingConventionBinder; using System.CommandLine.Parsing; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BililiveRecorder.Flv.Pipeline; using BililiveRecorder.ToolBox.Tool.Analyze; using BililiveRecorder.ToolBox.Tool.DanmakuMerger; using BililiveRecorder.ToolBox.Tool.DanmakuStartTime; using BililiveRecorder.ToolBox.Tool.Export; using BililiveRecorder.ToolBox.Tool.Fix; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Spectre.Console; namespace BililiveRecorder.ToolBox { public class ToolCommand : Command { public ToolCommand() : base("tool", "Run Tools") { this.RegisterCommand("analyze", null, c => { c.Add(new Argument("input", "example: input.flv")); c.Add(new Option(name: "--pipeline-settings", parseArgument: this.ParseProcessingPipelineSettings)); }); this.RegisterCommand("fix", null, c => { c.Add(new Argument("input", "example: input.flv")); c.Add(new Argument("output-base", "example: output.flv")); c.Add(new Option(name: "--pipeline-settings", parseArgument: this.ParseProcessingPipelineSettings)); }); this.RegisterCommand("export", null, c => { c.Add(new Argument("input", "example: input.flv")); c.Add(new Argument("output", "example: output.xml or")); }); this.RegisterCommand("danmaku-start-time", null, c => { c.Add(new Argument("inputs", "example: 1.xml 2.xml ...")); }); this.RegisterCommand("danmaku-merge", null, c => { c.Add(new Argument("output", "example: output.xml")); c.Add(new Argument("inputs", "example: 1.xml 2.xml ...")); c.Add(new Option("--offsets", "Use offsets provided instead of calculating from starttime attribute.")); }); } private ProcessingPipelineSettings? ParseProcessingPipelineSettings(ArgumentResult result) { if (result.Tokens.Count == 0) return null; try { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result.Tokens.Single().Value); } catch (Exception) { result.ErrorMessage = "Pipeline settings must be a valid json string"; return null; } } private void RegisterCommand(string name, string? description, Action configure) where THandler : ICommandHandler where TRequest : ICommandRequest where TResponse : IResponseData { var cmd = new Command(name, description) { new Option("--json", "print result as json string"), new Option("--json-indented", "print result as indented json string") }; cmd.Handler = CommandHandler.Create((TRequest r, bool json, bool jsonIndented) => RunSubCommand(r, json, jsonIndented)); configure(cmd); this.Add(cmd); } private static async Task RunSubCommand(TRequest request, bool json, bool jsonIndented) where THandler : ICommandHandler where TRequest : ICommandRequest where TResponse : IResponseData { var isInteractive = !(json || jsonIndented); var handler = Activator.CreateInstance(); CommandResponse? response; if (isInteractive) { response = await AnsiConsole .Progress() .Columns(new ProgressColumn[] { new TaskDescriptionColumn(), new ProgressBarColumn(), new PercentageColumn(), new SpinnerColumn(Spinner.Known.Dots10), }) .StartAsync(async ctx => { var t = ctx.AddTask(handler.Name); t.MaxValue = 1d; #pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously var r = await handler.Handle(request, default, async p => t.Value = p).ConfigureAwait(false); #pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously t.Value = 1d; return r; }) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = await handler.Handle(request, default, null).ConfigureAwait(false); } if (isInteractive) { if (response.Status == ResponseStatus.OK) { response.Data?.PrintToConsole(); return 0; } else { AnsiConsole.Write(new FigletText("Error").Color(Color.Red)); var errorInfo = new Table { Border = TableBorder.Rounded }; errorInfo.AddColumn(new TableColumn("Error Code").Centered()); errorInfo.AddColumn(new TableColumn("Error Message").Centered()); errorInfo.AddRow("[red]" + response.Status.ToString().EscapeMarkup() + "[/]", "[red]" + (response.ErrorMessage ?? string.Empty) + "[/]"); AnsiConsole.Write(errorInfo); if (response.Exception is not null) AnsiConsole.Write(new Panel(response.Exception.GetRenderable(ExceptionFormats.ShortenPaths | ExceptionFormats.ShowLinks)) { Header = new PanelHeader("Exception Info"), Border = BoxBorder.Rounded }); return 1; } } else { var json_str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, jsonIndented ? Formatting.Indented : Formatting.None); Console.WriteLine(json_str); return response.Status == ResponseStatus.OK ? 0 : 1; } } } }