text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Contact Copyright Libraries Used This is a free software. This software is open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3). BiliRec (B站录播姬) Add "(B站录播姬)" after translation Project Homepage About Translators Version {0} Website Add Translate as "confirm" or "add" Channel Id or Link id or link 14 Add Channel OK This Channel has already been added Please input bilibili channel id or link Channel id can't be a negative number Channel id must be a non-zero number Failed to add channel Fetch Announcements Failed Refresh Announcements Are you sure you want to quit? Delete this channel? Cancel Close Confirm Copy Delete Quit Right click to copy this line Level Message Channel Id Time Debug Error Fatal Info Verbose Warn Clip (Processing) This feature is off by default, and will be removed in the future. Delete Disable Auto Record Enable Auto Record Open Channel In Web Browser Refresh Channel Info Settings This settings is different per room Start Recording Stop Recording Actions Split recording to a new file Auto recording disabled for this session, will reset when stream go offline Chat Server Disconnected BiliRec receive live notifications from the chat server Chat Server Connected Receiving live notification and other data Offline Live Monitoring Short status text REC Short status text Current file duration: {0:g} The recording speed relative to the upload speed of the streamer It should be close to 100% and the color will be green Shown in tooltip No statistics Passed time: {0:g} {0:F2} Mbps Should not translate Current speed ratio: {0:P2} Speed percentage relative to upload speed of the streamer All file duration: {0:g} Received {0} Written {0} Auto Record Disable for all channels Enable for all channels File Change work directory (will restart) Open Working Directory Save Settings Show Log Files Links FAQ Sponsor Website Not Sorted Sort by Channel Id Sort by Recording Status View Show Logs Show Stream Title And Category Advanced Settings Announcements Logs Channel List Settings Advanced Settings Note: General users usually don't need to nor should modify settings shown below. Modification of timing might get your IP blocked, and/or unable to start recording in time. (Also those settings are not translated because those are hard to translate and I'm lazy.) Number of messages needed to trigger disk flush Chat Recording Save Live Chat Save Gifts Save New Member Save Raw Data Save Super Chat Clip File Name Formatting Hint File name variables Date: {date} Time: {time} Channel Id: {roomid} Stream Title: {title} Streamer Name: {name} Category: {parea} Subcategory: {area} Random Number: {random} Only FLV is supported Recording File Name Formatting File Name Duration after trigger seconds Duration before trigger seconds Unprocessed Mode Standard Mode Record Mode Settings Split recording by file size Split recording by video time Disable Split recording every MiB minutes Recording Splitting Webhook address, one per line Webhook Default Text of the checkbox in the reuseable control for setting items. Will use default setting and disable user input when checked. Open BiliRec BiliRec has been minimized to the system tray, left click the tray icon to unhide. BiliRec (B站录播姬) There is a problem in the file that the can't be repaired automatically Please click the Repair Failed? Button and send feedback to the developer Needs Repair Repair Not Needed {0} Decoding/Header Problems {0} Other Problems {0} Repeating Segments {0} Discontinuous Timestamp {0} Timestamp With Offset {0} Unrepairable Problems Note: Analyze is not required before fix. Click "Analyze" to start analyzing Repairing this file will output {0} files Audio Average FPS {0:F2} Reference only, stats of problematic files may be inaccurate Frame Count Number of Frames {0} Frame duration Statistics Video Analyze Repair Repair Failed? Select... Error Occurred Unknown error Failed to read file. The input is not a FLV file OK 其实不是错误类型 Failed to write file Unknown FLV data type FLV File Export raw analysis data If repairing failed or output still has problems, please send feedback to rec@danmuji.org. Attach analysis data exported below as email attachment, please describe the problem and the version of this software. Please analyze the original file, not the output of auto repair. Click here to learn more Select Video File Choose Save Location Recording Repair Add Files Merge Remove At least 2 files are required to merge Select XML danmaku files to merge Click the add files button below, or drag files to this area Danmaku Merging Danmaku XML Files Merging XML Danmaku File Select FLV file to remux Select MP4 File Save Location Remux Toolbox BiliRec (B站录播姬) {0} Browse... Failed to load config The path contains other files The path does not exist The path is not supported An unknown error has occurred Don't ask again Select Directory