using System; using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BililiveRecorder.Core.Config; using BililiveRecorder.Core.Config.V2; using Spectre.Console; namespace BililiveRecorder.Cli.Configure { public class ConfigureCommand : Command { public ConfigureCommand() : base("configure", "Interactively configure config.json") { this.AddArgument(new Argument("path") { Description = "Path to work directory or config.json" }); this.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Run); } private static int Run(string path) { if (!FindConfig(path, out var config, out var fullPath)) return 1; ShowRootMenu(config, fullPath); return 0; } private static void ShowRootMenu(ConfigV2 config, string fullPath) { while (true) { var selection = PromptEnumSelection(); AnsiConsole.Clear(); switch (selection) { case RootMenuSelection.ListRooms: ListRooms(config); break; case RootMenuSelection.AddRoom: AddRoom(config); break; case RootMenuSelection.DeleteRoom: DeleteRoom(config); break; case RootMenuSelection.SetRoomConfig: SetRoomConfig(config); break; case RootMenuSelection.SetGlobalConfig: SetGlobalConfig(config); break; case RootMenuSelection.SetJsonSchema: SetJsonSchema(config); break; case RootMenuSelection.Exit: return; case RootMenuSelection.SaveAndExit: if (SaveConfig(config, fullPath)) return; else break; default: break; } } } private static void SetRoomConfig(ConfigV2 config) { if (config.Rooms.Count < 1) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]No room avaiable[/]"); return; } RoomConfig room; if (config.Rooms.Count == 1) { room = config.Rooms[0]; } else { room = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt() .UseConverter(r => r.RoomId.ToString()) .PageSize(15) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more rooms)[/]") .AddChoices(config.Rooms)); } while (true) { var selection = PromptEnumSelection(); AnsiConsole.Clear(); if (selection == RoomConfigProperties.Exit) return; var instruction = ConfigInstructions.RoomConfig[selection]; if (instruction.CanBeOptional) { if (AnsiConsole.Confirm("Use default settings?", defaultValue: false)) { instruction.UseDefaultValue(room); continue; } } instruction.PromptForCustomValue(room); } } private static void SetGlobalConfig(ConfigV2 config) { while (true) { var selection = PromptEnumSelection(); AnsiConsole.Clear(); if (selection == GlobalConfigProperties.Exit) return; var instruction = ConfigInstructions.GlobalConfig[selection]; if (instruction.CanBeOptional) { if (AnsiConsole.Confirm("Use default settings?", defaultValue: false)) { instruction.UseDefaultValue(config.Global); continue; } } instruction.PromptForCustomValue(config.Global); } } private static void ListRooms(ConfigV2 config) { var table = new Table() .AddColumns("Roomid", "AutoRecord") .Border(TableBorder.Rounded); foreach (var room in config.Rooms) { table.AddRow(room.RoomId.ToString(), room.AutoRecord ? "[green]Enabled[/]" : "[red]Disabled[/]"); } AnsiConsole.Render(table); } private static void AddRoom(ConfigV2 config) { while (true) { var roomid = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new TextPrompt("[grey](type 0 to cancel)[/] [green]Roomid[/]:").Validate(x => x switch { < 0 => ValidationResult.Error("[red]Roomid can't be negative[/]"), _ => ValidationResult.Success(), })); if (roomid == 0) break; if (config.Rooms.Any(x => x.RoomId == roomid)) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]Room already exist[/]"); continue; } var autoRecord = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Enable auto record?"); config.Rooms.Add(new RoomConfig { RoomId = roomid, AutoRecord = autoRecord }); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]Room {0} added to config[/]", roomid); } } private static void DeleteRoom(ConfigV2 config) { var toBeDeleted = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new MultiSelectionPrompt() .Title("Delete rooms") .NotRequired() .UseConverter(r => r.RoomId.ToString()) .PageSize(15) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more rooms)[/]") .InstructionsText("[grey](Press [blue][/] to toggle selection, [green][/] to delete)[/]") .AddChoices(config.Rooms)); for (var i = 0; i < toBeDeleted.Count; i++) config.Rooms.Remove(toBeDeleted[i]); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]{0} rooms deleted[/]", toBeDeleted.Count); } private static void SetJsonSchema(ConfigV2 config) { var selection = PromptEnumSelection(); switch (selection) { case JsonSchemaSelection.Default: config.DollarSignSchema = ""; break; case JsonSchemaSelection.Custom: config.DollarSignSchema = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new TextPrompt("[green]JSON Schema[/]:").AllowEmpty()); break; default: break; } } private static bool SaveConfig(ConfigV2 config, string fullPath) { try { var json = ConfigParser.SaveJson(config); using var file = new StreamWriter(File.Open(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)); file.Write(json); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]Write config failed[/]"); AnsiConsole.WriteException(ex, ExceptionFormats.ShortenPaths | ExceptionFormats.ShowLinks); return false; } } private static bool FindConfig(string path, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ConfigV2? config, out string fullPath) { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(path, ConfigParser.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)); } else { fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path); } if (File.Exists(fullPath)) config = ConfigParser.LoadJson(File.ReadAllText(fullPath, Encoding.UTF8)); else config = new ConfigV2(); var result = config != null; if (!result) AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]Load failed.\nBroken or corrupted file, or no permission.[/]"); return result; } private static string EnumToDescriptionConverter(T value) where T : struct, Enum { var name = Enum.GetName(typeof(T), value)!; var attrs = typeof(T).GetMember(name)[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); return (attrs.Length > 0) ? ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description : name; } private static T PromptEnumSelection() where T : struct, Enum => AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt().AddChoices(Enum.GetValues()).UseConverter(EnumToDescriptionConverter)); } }