using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using Jint; using Jint.Native; using Jint.Native.Json; using Jint.Native.Object; using Jint.Runtime; using Jint.Runtime.Interop; using Serilog; using Serilog.Events; namespace BililiveRecorder.Core.Scripting.Runtime { internal class JintConsole : ObjectInstance { private readonly ILogger logger; private static readonly IReadOnlyList templateMessageMap; private const int MaxTemplateSlotCount = 8; private readonly Dictionary counters = new(); private readonly Dictionary timers = new(); static JintConsole() { var map = new List(); templateMessageMap = map; var b = new StringBuilder("[Script]"); for (var i = 1; i <= MaxTemplateSlotCount; i++) { b.Append(" {Message"); b.Append(i); b.Append("}"); map.Add(b.ToString()); } } public JintConsole(Engine engine, ILogger logger) : base(engine) { this.logger = logger?.ForContext() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); } protected override void Initialize() { Add("assert", this.Assert); Add("clear", this.Clear); Add("count", this.Count); Add("countReset", this.CountReset); Add("debug", this.BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel.Debug)); Add("error", this.BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel.Error)); Add("info", this.BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel.Information)); Add("log", this.BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel.Information)); Add("time", this.Time); Add("timeEnd", this.TimeEnd); Add("timeLog", this.TimeLog); Add("trace", this.BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel.Information)); Add("warn", this.BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel.Warning)); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] void Add(string name, Func func) { this.FastAddProperty(name, new ClrFunctionInstance(this._engine, name, func), false, false, false); } } private string[] FormatToString(ReadOnlySpan values) { var result = new string[values.Length]; var jsonSerializer = new Lazy(() => new JsonSerializer(this._engine)); for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { var value = values[i]; var text = value switch { JsString jsString => jsString.ToString(), JsBoolean or JsNumber or JsBigInt or JsNull or JsUndefined => value.ToString(), _ => jsonSerializer.Value.Serialize(values[i], Undefined, Undefined).ToString() }; result[i] = text; } return result; } // TODO: Add call stack support // Workaround: use `new Error().stack` in js side // ref: private Func BuildLogFunc(LogEventLevel level) { return Log; JsValue Log(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { var messages = this.FormatToString(arguments); if (messages.Length > 0 && messages.Length <= MaxTemplateSlotCount) { // Serilog quote "Catch a common pitfall when a single non-object array is cast to object[]" // ref: var values = messages.Cast().ToArray(); // Note: this is the non-generic, `params object[]` version // void Write(LogEventLevel level, string messageTemplate, params object[] propertyValues); this.logger.Write(level: level, messageTemplate: templateMessageMap[messages.Length - 1], propertyValues: values); } else { // void Write(LogEventLevel level, string messageTemplate, T propertyValue); this.logger.Write(level: level, messageTemplate: "[Script] {Messages}", propertyValue: messages); } return Undefined; } } private JsValue Assert(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { if (!arguments.At(0).IsLooselyEqual(true)) { string[] messages; if (arguments.Length < 2) { messages = Array.Empty(); } else { messages = this.FormatToString(arguments.AsSpan(1)); } this.logger.Error("[Script] Assertion failed: {Messages}", messages); } return Undefined; } private JsValue Clear(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) => Undefined; // noop private JsValue Count(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { var name = arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0].ToString() : "default"; if (this.counters.TryGetValue(name, out var count)) { count++; } else { count = 1; } this.counters[name] = count; this.logger.Information("[Script] {CounterName}: {Count}", name, count); return Undefined; } private JsValue CountReset(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { var name = arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0].ToString() : "default"; this.counters.Remove(name); this.logger.Information("[Script] {CounterName}: {Count}", name, 0); return Undefined; } private JsValue Time(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { var name = arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0].ToString() : "default"; if (this.timers.ContainsKey(name)) { this.logger.Warning("[Script] Timer {TimerName} already exists", name); } else { this.timers[name] = Stopwatch.StartNew(); } return Undefined; } private JsValue TimeEnd(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { var name = arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0].ToString() : "default"; if (this.timers.TryGetValue(name, out var timer)) { timer.Stop(); this.timers.Remove(name); this.logger.Information("[Script] {TimerName}: {ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", name, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); } else { this.logger.Warning("[Script] Timer {TimerName} does not exist", name); } return Undefined; } private JsValue TimeLog(JsValue thisObject, JsValue[] arguments) { var name = arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0].ToString() : "default"; if (this.timers.TryGetValue(name, out var timer)) { this.logger.Information("[Script] {TimerName}: {ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", name, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); } else { this.logger.Warning("[Script] Timer {TimerName} does not exist", name); } return Undefined; } } }