CLI: Log version and command arguments at startup

This commit is contained in:
genteure 2022-06-26 15:15:48 +08:00
parent 0ddc355861
commit 60ac8d8d6d

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@ -35,58 +35,72 @@ namespace BililiveRecorder.Cli
private static int Main(string[] args)
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
RootCommand root;
var cmd_run = new Command("run", "Run BililiveRecorder in standard mode")
using (var entrypointLogger = BuildLogger(LogEventLevel.Fatal, LogEventLevel.Verbose))
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-bind", "--bind", "-b" }, () => null, "Bind address for http service"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-user" }, () => null, "Web interface username"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-pass" }, () => null, "Web interface password"),
new Option<bool>(new []{ "--enable-file-browser" }, () => true, "Enable file browser located at '/file'"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--loglevel", "--log", "-l" }, () => LogEventLevel.Information, "Minimal log level output to console"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--logfilelevel", "--flog" }, () => LogEventLevel.Debug, "Minimal log level output to file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pem-path", "--pem" }, "Path of the certificate pem file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-key-path", "--key" }, "Path of the certificate key file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pfx-path", "--pfx" }, "Path of the certificate pfx file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-password"}, "Password of the certificate"),
entrypointLogger.Information("Starting, {Version}, {CommandLine}", GitVersionInformation.InformationalVersion, args);
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
new Argument<string>("path"),
cmd_run.Handler = CommandHandler.Create<RunModeArguments>(RunConfigModeAsync);
var cmd_run = new Command("run", "Run BililiveRecorder in standard mode")
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-bind", "--bind", "-b" }, () => null, "Bind address for http service"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-user" }, () => null, "Web interface username"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-pass" }, () => null, "Web interface password"),
new Option<bool>(new []{ "--enable-file-browser" }, () => true, "Enable file browser located at '/file'"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--loglevel", "--log", "-l" }, () => LogEventLevel.Information, "Minimal log level output to console"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--logfilelevel", "--flog" }, () => LogEventLevel.Debug, "Minimal log level output to file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pem-path", "--pem" }, "Path of the certificate pem file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-key-path", "--key" }, "Path of the certificate key file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pfx-path", "--pfx" }, "Path of the certificate pfx file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-password"}, "Password of the certificate"),
var cmd_portable = new Command("portable", "Run BililiveRecorder in config-less mode")
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-bind", "--bind", "-b" }, () => null, "Bind address for http service"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-user" }, () => null, "Web interface username"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-pass" }, () => null, "Web interface password"),
new Option<bool>(new []{ "--enable-file-browser" }, () => true, "Enable file browser located at '/file'"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--loglevel", "--log", "-l" }, () => LogEventLevel.Information, "Minimal log level output to console"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--logfilelevel", "--flog" }, () => LogEventLevel.Debug, "Minimal log level output to file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pem-path", "--pem" }, "Path of the certificate pem file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-key-path", "--key" }, "Path of the certificate key file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pfx-path", "--pfx" }, "Path of the certificate pfx file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-password"}, "Password of the certificate"),
new Argument<string>("path"),
cmd_run.Handler = CommandHandler.Create<RunModeArguments>(RunConfigModeAsync);
new Option<RecordMode>(new []{ "--record-mode", "--mode" }, () => RecordMode.Standard, "Recording mode"),
new Option<string>(new []{ "--cookie", "-c" }, "Cookie string for api requests"),
new Option<string>(new []{ "--filename", "-f" }, "File name format"),
new Option<PortableModeArguments.PortableDanmakuMode>(new []{ "--danmaku", "-d" }, "Flags for danmaku recording"),
new Option<string>("--webhook-url", "URL of webhoook"),
new Option<string>("--live-api-host"),
new Argument<string>("output-path"),
new Argument<int[]>("room-ids", () => Array.Empty<int>())
cmd_portable.Handler = CommandHandler.Create<PortableModeArguments>(RunPortableModeAsync);
var cmd_portable = new Command("portable", "Run BililiveRecorder in config-less mode")
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-bind", "--bind", "-b" }, () => null, "Bind address for http service"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-user" }, () => null, "Web interface username"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--http-basic-pass" }, () => null, "Web interface password"),
new Option<bool>(new []{ "--enable-file-browser" }, () => true, "Enable file browser located at '/file'"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--loglevel", "--log", "-l" }, () => LogEventLevel.Information, "Minimal log level output to console"),
new Option<LogEventLevel>(new []{ "--logfilelevel", "--flog" }, () => LogEventLevel.Debug, "Minimal log level output to file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pem-path", "--pem" }, "Path of the certificate pem file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-key-path", "--key" }, "Path of the certificate key file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-pfx-path", "--pfx" }, "Path of the certificate pfx file"),
new Option<string?>(new []{ "--cert-password"}, "Password of the certificate"),
var root = new RootCommand("A Stream Recorder For Bilibili Live")
new ConfigureCommand(),
new ToolCommand()
new Option<RecordMode>(new []{ "--record-mode", "--mode" }, () => RecordMode.Standard, "Recording mode"),
new Option<string>(new []{ "--cookie", "-c" }, "Cookie string for api requests"),
new Option<string>(new []{ "--filename", "-f" }, "File name format"),
new Option<PortableModeArguments.PortableDanmakuMode>(new []{ "--danmaku", "-d" }, "Flags for danmaku recording"),
new Option<string>("--webhook-url", "URL of webhoook"),
new Option<string>("--live-api-host"),
new Argument<string>("output-path"),
new Argument<int[]>("room-ids", () => Array.Empty<int>())
cmd_portable.Handler = CommandHandler.Create<PortableModeArguments>(RunPortableModeAsync);
root = new RootCommand("A Stream Recorder For Bilibili Live")
new ConfigureCommand(),
new ToolCommand(),
catch (Exception ex)
entrypointLogger.Fatal(ex, "Fatal error during startup");
return -1;
return root.Invoke(args);